Clary and Jace, highschool sweethearts, soulmates, soon to be husband and wife- have it all.
A perfect, happy life with each other full of love... until Jace gets into a car crash and loses his memory.
Will fate bring them together? Or will his ne...
Jace was bummed Aline wouldn't be going with him to the town or the beach- especially in the good mood she was currently in.
He couldn't help but want to stay back and take care of her- but she reassured him she was okay and he didn't have to mother her.
Still... he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling.
He let loose a breath, trying to calm himself the slightest bit as he rocked on his heels.
He was wearing a plain, navy swimming trunks incase they did go to the beach, throwing an easy sleeveless white t-shirt on as well last minute.
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(A/N: meh, you guys don't need to see a shirt, do you? ;) )
It had taken him approximately... 3 minutes to get ready?? Maybe less.
Alec stood beside him as they both waited at the end of the stairs, wearing the red version of his shorts with the black version of his t-shirt. They'd gotten dressed at the same time and yet Alec was still ready and finished before Jace.
The girls on the other hand... had been taking a while to get ready.
Maybe two or three hours he would've guessed, although it was Izzy- he shouldn't have been surprised.
He huffed out a laugh at the thought, once again feeling sorry for their new acquaintance Clary.
The mysterious girl had been floating around his mind...occasionally.. but even then- when she did... it was as though she never left.
It took a lot of willpower for Jace to stop whatever random thoughts flitted across his mind when the redhead's face appeared behind his eyelids.
He felt... dirty. Dirty for even having those thoughts. Dirty for one minute obsessing over Aline, trying to take care of her- the next doing exactly what he was doing now.
Which was thinking about Clary.
He didn't... consider it as cheating- was it?
His thoughts were innocent enough, it wasn't as if he was stripping her with his eyes- all he wanted to know was how he knew her exactly, because it seemed she knew him.
But maybe looking at it now... he did want to know some random things about her- just a few.
Like, how her hair managed to get that wild and fiery, how her green eyes were so... green. How her freckles looked like a dusting of gold glitter. How she managed to have such a lovely sounding laugh, and how she stared at him as though... once again- as though she knew him.
This whole pace felt like an itch he couldn't scratch, especially his mysterious Clary.
Wait, did I just say my Clary? He thought, utterly gobsmacked.