I The Start

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Y/n Pov

Wait there I'm? And why I'm see a pretty tan woman with a pink pokemon.

Y/n: Who are you?

I ask, and the response was the pokemon flying to me a tap my forehead...

Beep beep beep


I groaned and slap my alarm, to know it was morning.

Y/n: For Arceus sake why I'm getting weird dreams like that all the time.

I get up of my bed and go downstairs to find Riolu waiting for me on the table.

Y/n: Huh so this time you're waiting for me.

I said playfully to get a get a evil smirk back from Riolu. I could feel my spine literally shake a bit.
'This is bad." I mumble and begin to walk to the table and sitting down, to take a bite from my breakfast before splitting all out out of my mouth.

I look at Riolu with a angry face and get a grin from him.

Y/n: What have you put in?

Riolu jump down from the table and walk to the kitchen create and take a box with 'Meowth Steel Cement'

Y/n: Did you seriously gave me cement!?!

Riolu falls down and begin laugh rolling left to right, I'm kinda annoy but it was a good prank so I begin laugh too.

??? : Amen boy, you and your pokemon always make stupid prank on each other.

I hear behind and see my uncle Maes.

Y/n: Uncle Maes!

Riolu and I run up to him and gave him a hug.

Maes: Hello there.
Y/n: Uncle how was it out there.

I ask with Riolu shaking his him rapidly.

Maes: Well I can at least say it was a journey, here I got you something.

Then Uncle Maes show a shopping bag with various Pokeballs, Riolu and I stare at it awestruck.

Y/n: Uncle did you buy all this?
Maes: Yes I did.

"Wow" was the only i could said and look to Riolu who look at me with the same idea.

Y/n: Hey Uncle Maes it's okay if Riolu and I walk to the forest and try to catch one?
Maes: Sure kiddo just go home before the sun goes down.
Y/n: Thanks Uncle Maes, you're the best!

I shout and take some of the Pokeballs with Riolu besides me running to the forest.

Y/n: Hey Riolu when we catch a Pokemon please don't make pranks on it.

Before Riolu could answer me I almost fall down to a waterfall with massive spike down, with only one of my hand grip on a rod.

Y/n: Riolu!

I shout and begin to panic. "So this how I'm going to dead huh?"

And then I lost my grip and fall down,
I closed my eyes and accept my fate.

"Wait what why I'm dead... Maybe I'm already dead!" I shout inside my head, I slowly open my eyes to see i'm still alive!

Y/n: What how I'm still alive?

I look up to Riolu who point under me. I make a confusion sign and look down to see I'm on some pink bubble.

Y/n: Riolu please say this is some your dumb prank.

[Punch to the face] Pokemon Bea x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now