IX Festival

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3rd Pov

After Y/n's little dream last night, he had thought about it all day in his mind seeing several friends and family killed by the Dragon Pokemon.

Now he is sitting on the couch watching the PokeNews as Bea left to train again and Lucario and the rest is resting.

Suddenly the door opens, a tall man glasses on, facial hair on his chin and two females behind him.

"Y/n!" Little Elicia tugging the young boy shirt, pulling him outside with her Herdier dog Pokemon.

Maes and Gracia his wife smile seeing their nephew home again. "My little Elicia tugging Y/n like her big brother, how cute!" Maes quickly takes many pictures of them.

"Good to see you uncle Maes you too Gracia." Y/n fake smile, but get unnoticed by the adults. Giving them a hug and calling his yellow panda bear.

"Bewear?" He called out.

*Happy noise* Was Y/n heard before he got bone crush by the Shiny Pokemon. "Miss you too." The blue hair boy said as he get to the ground again.

Then Lucario jumps out of the tree to kick Bewear, but backfire as he is sent to the tree again from the punch of Bewear.

"Ha ha Lucario try to attack, but get his butt kick!" The small girl hugging Herdier as both laughs at the fainted buddy of Y/n.


Few minutes playing with Elicia and talking to Gracia about his last adventure, before Mae's comes outside with a smirk on the face.

"Y/n." He just said showing a bag with girl stuff, smiling crazy as all eyes is on the bag and Y/n.

"?!!" Was the Champion around the Regions expression turning his cheeks crimson red than his normal skin color.

"I-I..." Y/n is lost of words not knowing to said as both adults smiling and the girl tilt her head.

"It's my, thank you." Bea suddenly appeared wearing Y/n's shirt. Putting two plus two Maes skyrocket up like he use fly and Gracia mouth open up like she is Loudred.

Elicia just brightly smile and pet Herdier. "Oh Bea did you finally asks him?" Gracia hold her hands to her chin smiling.

Then Bea's cheeks turn red and run away from the small family reunion to the forest for training again. Y/n not heard what his aunt just asks and look up to the sky soulless.

"Mommy I think Y/n is broken." The daughter point at the blue hair boy having staring contest with the sun.

And then Maes lands right at Y/n as both groaned in pain, but luckily snap the Pokemon Trianer thoughts away.

"Y/n!" Gracia run over to the boy forgetting her husband groaning too. "I'm fine." He look around to notices Bea is gone.

"Where is Bea?"

"She went to train." She replied as
Y/n's phone made a message sound. Unlock his phone he see Bea texting him.

Bea: I'm going back to the gym, sorry for not saying goodbye.

Y/n shake his head and replied back saying he will visit her in few days. Then Mew flies over and sleep on
Y/n's head. Elicia runs over to the pink Pokemon hoping to play.

"Mew! Mew! Mew!" She chant, until the Mythical Pokemon use it's psychic powers as Elicia and her Herdier begin to float in the air.

"By Arceus I'm most lucky father ever!" Maes jumps of the ground and begin again to taking pictures of Elicia riding on Herdier's back as both is in the air.

[Punch to the face] Pokemon Bea x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now