X Pokemon Dual

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Y/n Pov

L/n household

"Will you just shut man up." I ask Lucario, but he's nagging me about why he couldn't perform than Meloetta.

"I mean it, look at these biceps!" Lucario seemingly failed flexing his muscles and only show the bellybutton getting thicker. Still only I understand him, Elicia see him do it and laugh.

"Papa and mama, Lucario doing his funny poses again." My cousin runs over to my partner with a angry Herdier

"Ahhh!" Lucario try to run away from Herdier's wrath, but hit the door, knocking him down as Herdier stomping on him.

"Good grief. Mew, Decidueye come with me."


[Slumbering Weald]

"Thanks for the ride mate!" I wave at the Corviknight and the driver as they fly away from us. Mew comes out of my bag and beams into the trees again.

"Let's do the routine again, okay bud?" I ask my owl Pokemon who approve and flies after Mew with me running behind.

"Mew~!" I try to called out, however I unexpectedly meet some other's gaze at my back. "Hello there?" I turned around to see not happy pack of Shiftry.

"Arrivederci!" I grab a flashbang I got from Maes if something like is would happened again. And run deeper to the forest with now more angry Grass Ninja Pokemons behind my ass.

[Somewhere else in the forest]

3rd Pov

"Shhhiitt!" A voice could be hear from the deep Slumbering Weald as Mew finds it's friend and Decidueye got the babysitting work again.

"Decidueye~!" The pink floating Pokemon called out to it's friend. Who look everywhere around him.

"Mx. Mew, please get out of your hiding place and come out." Decidueye nicely ask the Mythical Pokémon in his butler manner tone.

"Come on." Mew fly out if the tree, down to the ground with a sad expression.

"Good and now I think Master Y/n needs our help." Decidueye forms his bow out, pulling a string and before Kew knew it the arrow is shot.

[With Y/n]

"Help!" The blue hair Trainer scream for his life. Then a green light arrow fly right at his left cheek, making a small cut and hit one of they angry Shiftrys.

Explosion is heard behind Y/n as he run faster away copying Staraptor battle cry.

[Back to Mew and Decidueye]

"As you could hear him Mx. Mew." Decidueye show Y/n's direction with his one wing. Then a growl appeared out of thin air.

"Friend!" Mew gasp surprise and flies over to the mysterious wolf Pokemon.
"You!" Decidueye active his angry butler protocol on, pointing at the wolf.

"Me? You asked?" The wolf point his own pawn in a seriously tone.

"Yes you!" Decidueye pulls his multi strings out, ready to fire at the bootleg version of Lycanroc.

"Oh? You're approaching me?" The wolf ready to jump at Deciueye with it's Crowned Form. As both waiting for one movement. Then they hear some cry.

"Ouch!" The tension between stop as they both look at Mew. "Now look, you made Mew cry!" Decidueye fired his arrows.

Those arrows the butler kinda role Pokemon gets fly away behind the blue hair fellow wolf with a single blow, into the unknown part of the forest.

[With Y/n]

"Guys!" The screaming Trainer still running away from those Shiftrys. Those stupid Ninjas Y/n thought as someone grab his foot. Crap was the mind word in his mind.

"Why did I not bring the rest of my Pokemons here." Y/n loudly shout frustrating by the whole situation and then he see Decidueye's arrows blow away right there he stands.

"Does Arceus really wanted me dead?" Famous last words of Y/n as the arrows hits him and the pack.

[To the Pokemons]

The owl Pokemon got surprised by that move, but fired more as they again blow away as Y/n cry out of help right 100 meters away from them.

"Stop!" Mew yell out as barriers appears between the fight. Making the wolf growl a bit, but calm down as Mew could use it's psychic powers to yeet itself out.

"But Mx. Mew." Decidueye frowning lowering his wing down and the wolf sit down on the ground as a good puppy.

Then Y/n comes out of the trees, crawling with torn clothes. "Did a Pokemon Dual happen here?" And then pass out of exhausted of surviving tons of arrows.

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