III Let's Camp

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Y/n Pov

After I found Bea in the cave since that we just been suffering on Lapras.
Hmm haven't see Bea in 8 years maybe we should spend some time before my meeting with Chairman Rose. I thought

Lapras: La la.

Lapras suddenly said. I look at him confused, but see he pointing at a tree. Perfect Bea and I can camp here. She still have her things and I got my bag too.

Y/n: Perfect bud like you knew what I thought, let's go there.

I pat his head. And soon Lapras stop, I look at Bea to see her sleeping. Then I most do all things myself.

I slowly take her arm around off, got myself off. To see Bea already hugging Lapras. I almost laugh, but control myself for not waking her up.

Look around us I see not very much Pokemon here. Place my bag take two berries out and walk to Lapras.

Y/n: Okay bud I will give these to you and Bea will still sleep on you deal?

I ask, but Lapras shake his head. Maybe three would do it.

Y/n: Three then?

And he nod accept the deal and I quickly get another one giving him three. Then it hit me Mew!

Mew was on Lapras head, but not now if I could feel it before. Oh no maybe Mew is fighting a Pokemon or?

Y/n: Hey Lap have you seen Mew?

Lapras give me a question face, but also realize that Mew is missed. Is bad Lapras doesn't know then who? One Pokemon my best friend Lucario.
I take my Pokeball and throw in the air.

Lucario: Alright who have summoned the almighty one.

Y/n: Me of course!

Lucario: Geez stop shouting.

Y/n: Then find Mew!

I shout at him through our Aura. And he closes his eyes to sense Mew's Aura. He opened his eyes again to point at over us.

I groan by my stupidity for not look up. Lapras and I look up to see Mew active his weird bubble again sleeping also of course.

Y/n: Thank Arceus, now with that you can help me getting our camp for the night pal.

Lucario: Only if you make your amazing food.

Y/n: Fine with me.

And then Lucario and i began to make a camp.


Bea Pov

I open my eyes to see i'm hugging Lapras instead of Y/n?
Then did what happened. I thought and Lapras make a sound to get some attention.

And Lucario come over to us and gesture me to get off. I did and walk towards a tree to see 4 other Pokemon. Mew the first one I see rapidly flies over to me for a hug.

I hug the pink Pokemon to see Charizard crazy talk to Mamoswine and Decidueye posing weirdly too.

Y/n: Ah Bea, you finally awake.

I hear and see him at a table with 11 plates, but why 11 I thought.

Bea: Yeah I just woke up, I didn't really get some sleep in the cave.
Y/n: Good then you also most be hungry too.

I nod and Y/n gesture me to come at the table too. To see

Bea: Wow Y/n did you make all this?

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Bea: Wow Y/n did you make all this?

Y/n: Yeah I did learn few recipes especially Brock from Kanto. Now dig in before it gets cold.

He smile and make a gesture to the bowl in front of me. I take the spoon beside it and take a bite from it.

Le Gasp! Is texture, the egg, and the rice mix together it feels heavenly.

I quickly take more and more from the bowl. Then I hear someone laugh, I realize Y/n is right in front of me and now embarrassing myself and stop.

Y/n: Is alright Bea just eat it and it just show you like it.

He smile i don't know why, but I could feel my stomach feel weird, not like hungry but something else.

Y/n Pov

I just sit down and look at Bea eating from the bowl I made. I feel quite happy cause it was always my Pokemons and I eating alone.

After she was done I notice the sky turn dark, I look to my Pokemons who want to return back to their's Pokeballs. Quickly return them back it was just Lucario who want to hold look out, Mew cause I don't want to disturb it with Bea. And of course Bea and I.

Y/n: Bea I think is time for sleep. There is your tent I took the opportunity to do it for you.

Bea: Oh thanks Y/n and can I take Mew with me?

Y/n: Of course babe

Wait did I just said babe?! Crap is this bad. Just act nothing happen yeah I thought.

Bea: Babe!?

Bea shout surprise and turn red and turn around from embarrassing.

Y/n: No of course not! I call you Bea not babe there is a difference like there is 4 letters!

I nodding crazy trying to sound I didn't said it. She look at me before smiling and nod too.

Bea: Of course you did yeah, I misheard you just that... Goodnight!

And she definitely just outrun a Pidgeot to get inside her tent with Mew.

Lucario: Ha already calling her babe.

Y/n: I didn't!

Lucario just laugh before walking to a tree sitting on a stick and sleep. I sigh and walk back to my tent switch to shorts and tank top cause I would probably freeze with just shorts.


I don't know how long I have been inside my tent, but feels like eternal here and can't stop thinking about what I call Bea.

Suddenly I hear foot steps outside, but who would walk outside unless it's thieves or Pokemons.

The steps come closer and closer to my tent. I don't know what to do, hit it or call Lucario?


My tent opened up I quickly stand up to a Ninja stand I have learn from Koga.

Y/n: Who are you answer me or...

I stop my sentence to Bea.

Bea: Or what?

Y/n: Huh...

Bea: Hmm I know what.

Bea says and push me down and hugging my side. Making me frustrating not knowing what to do.

Y/n: Bea w-what a-are you do-oing?

Bea: Sleep of course.

Bea says closing her eyes and falling asleep. And now I just lay down beside Bea who is cuddle with me. I don't know if I should feel like a win or absolutely lost.

[Punch to the face] Pokemon Bea x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now