XIII Hiking Pt. 1

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Y/n Pov

[Snow mountains Galar Region]

After the whole failure to found who Zacian is really or Zamazenta, in that manner.

Pretty annoying, both of them flee as Mew mistaking go Super Saiyan and crack the ground under them. But it happened in the past and what happened in past, stays in the past.

So I chose that some of my Pokemons and I go hiking at the snowing mountains. And Chairman Rose gave all Gym Leaders and week vacation, so Bea in joining too.

And now we are right in front of the mountains. With food and water inside our backbags and some of my Pokemons wearing small boots.

"You look so cute!" Hugging Leafeon, as Bea take a picture of Leafeon and I.

"And who knows, maybe you will find your counterpart, Glacleon." I place her down again as Mamoswine walk slowly to up with Lucario sleeping on his back.

"Let's go!" I run up to them leaving Bea, Leafeon and Mew behind. "Y/n! Wait for us!" Bea yell after me, but I didn't stop and still run up.

3rd Pov

[Far away from the distant]

In the second Y/n run up a grumpy Pokemon woken up hearing Bea yelling after him. The Pokemon places his pawns on the snowing ground and quickly run to see what Y/n is doing. From far away, however Mew notices it and flies to the Pokemon and soon begin to play together.

[Back to Y/n]

"Stop!" Bea shout out loud, hoping to stop Y/n running to a ice block. Mamoswine see it and begin to run after his Trainer, but the blue dog Pokemon, Lucario stop him with a grin on his face.

"Wh-" Y/n look back at Bea and hit the cold, hard ice block. Probably breaking a tooth or two. "Y/n!" Bea and Leafeon and run up to him.

Mamoswine look at Lucario, who laugh at Y/n laying on the ground. Charging to to Superpower, Mamoswine hit Lucario with Critical Hit and the Pokemon scream out for help as he's sent flying to top of some mountains.

"Let's hope Arceus, will froze him in some dumb places." Y/n with help stand up and look where Lucario was sent away. Mamoswine walk to Y/n and shrug his head back meaning them to get up.

"Thank you Mamoswine." Bea hug the big brown fur Pokemon and get up with Leafeon and Y/n too. Leaving them with a smile on.

[Back to Mew and it's new friend]

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" Mew and the Pokemon look up in the air and see a blue blur figure coming soon down to them.

"Should we do something?" The Pokemon asks Mew as both of them stop playing.

"No it the thing hit the ground. For stopping our game."

"Okay, let me count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!" The Pokemon shout out and trying to find Mew, but he didn't know that Mew is cloaking itself back his back.

"Where are you?" He look behind a rock, but didn't find Mew. Feeling something behind him, he turn around, but not ordinary to see.

Mew just giggle, still cloaking behind the Pokemon's back. "Come on Glaceon, I'm near you~" Mew giggle again and poke the Pokemon know as Glaceon.

"WHERE!" The ice Eevee evolution yell and get hit by the blur thing, crashing them on the mountain wall.
"Gah!" The ice Pokemon yell in pain.

"Glaceon!" Mew uncloak itself and flies down to Glaceon.

"My leg." Glacoen said and show his leg, completely broken by the thing who hit him. The blue figure stand up and dust himself and see Mew healing Glacoen.

"Easy kid, Mew knows how to fix."

Both Pokemon notices him standing over them and in rage Mew send him away from them to a rock. "Lucario, you made us stop playing Hide and Seek." Mew slowly flying over to Lucario.

The dog Pokemon try to get up, but is held down by Mew's psychic powers. "Mew do you him?" Glacoen walk to them with his leg heal back.

Mew just nod with a annoyed face and Glacoen smiled and froze Lucario into ice. "We can play now again." He smile sadistic and soon both play again, leaving Lucario in some dumb place, the cliff.

"Oh crap." Lucario make out through the thick ice and hope Y/n and the rest will find him.

Y/n Pov

"So we don't know where Mew is?" Bea asks as I just sigh. "Yes, we lost Mew again."

We stand at some trees, taking a break and noticed our bubble Pokemon is gone. Leafeon cry Mew out as Mamoswine I think talk to some Pokemon behind us.

"Poor Mew." I said out, hoping Mew isn't in anything in danger. Then I feel something grabbing my hand.

"Mew is fine, what could happen?" Bea try to light my mood up.

"Meet a dangerous Pokemon like always and then I need to defeated them."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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