II Guess Who's Back

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A/N This take places when Y/n comes back and Pokemon Twilight Wings.

Y/n Pov

Y/n: Ahhhhhh. Guess who's back Galar!

I shout out to. Then a horde of reporters and camera trying to interview me, but luckily for me for security guards come and block them for me to walk to my waiting car.

As I walk I stop to one of the reporters.

Reporter: Mister Y/n you come back after 8 years around regions after defeating all theirs Champion what now?
Y/n: Well right now I have a meeting with Chairman Rose about some business later that visits Bea.
Reporter: Bea like the fighting gym leader?

I quickly nod, wave bye and walk to the the Corviknight taxi to see Chairman Rose in it.
I slowly get inside as we begin to fly.

Rose:Mister Y/n nice to meet you.

As Chairman Rose took his hand towards me, I took it and said.

Y/n: Nice meeting you too Chairman Rose.
Rose: Well you're here we can begin business right Mister Y/n?
Y/n: Sure, but drop the mister thing Chairman Rose.
Rose: If then you can call me Rose.
Y/n: Okay, so what do you want to talk about.
Rose: Well you see our Champion Leon is quite busy so I need your help.
Y/n: And help with what exactly Rose?
Rose: Something about Dynamax.
Y/n: But I haven't a Dynamax Band so I don't think that I can help that much.
Rose: Don't worry about that just meet me at the office and then we can talk about it so I need to go now.
Y/n: Okay see in the office.

Then the Corviknight land and Rose walk out to a woman. I take my phone and text to Bea that I'm back.

Then I see something on the ground a phone with weird enough my nickname on the screen, like it was Bea's phone, but how are the chance to that like many is called that I think? I look to the driver and ask

Y/n: Hey do you know who's phone it's?
Driver: Hmm I think it's the person I drop before you.
Y/n: Then who is the person and there is the location?
Driver: The person is Gym Leader Bea I and I drop her in the Wild Area.

Did I hear right Gym leader Bea, it's Bea i know! But Wild Area why she is doing there? I thought to myself.

Y/n: Okay let me take it I know her.
Driver: If you insist, just remember the weather changing recently fast.
Y/n: Sure Bye.

I wave off as I take my Pokeball, I throw to the air.

Y/n: Charizard Decidueye I need you're help~!
Charizard: ~Roar noise ~
Decidueye: *Owl noise*

I shout as Charizard and Decidueye come out.

Y/n: Okay guys we need to fly towards the Wild Area to find my friend.

I said as Charizard point on his back for me to get on, I slowly got up as Charizard pulling his wings up and Woosh! he fly to the Wild Area with Decidueye beside us.


Wild Area

Y/n: Can you guys see something?

I ask as we have been flying around Wild Area to find Bea, but it was like she just is under the ground.

But then Charizard stop midair.

Y/n: Hey buddy what is it?

I ask and I see Decidueye point to a cave but rocks is blocking the entrance. Wait a minute maybe she is on the ground.

Y/n: Guys let's go down there now.

Charizard fly down and land on the grass. I Jump off him and walk to the rocks to see that Lucario can use Close Combat to move break the rocks.

[Punch to the face] Pokemon Bea x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now