V Date?!

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Rose Tower

Y/n Pov

Right now I'm in the elevator with Leon who is the champion. Both of us waiting to the top to meet Chairman Rose.

"So Y/n you never told me why you're going to meet Chairman Rose?" Leon pointed out.

"Well I'm just arrived home 1 day ago and he personal waiting for me to have a meeting." I scratch neck embarrassed that maybe Chairman Rose doesn't know I'm here.

"Huh really where have you been?" He ask curiously.

"From Alola to Kanto." I said proud making Giorno Giovanna pose.

"I Y/n L/n have a dream to become Champion!" As I said that the elevator stop and opening up showing Chairman Rose and his assistant.

"Well I can arrange that Y/n." Rose rubbing hus hands together.

"Then you need to beat me pal." Leon completely swift his battle mode ready to fight me or battle me. Maybe both?

"Easy now Leon, do you know who
Y/n is exactly?" Rose ask the Champion of Galar.

"Yeah Pokemon Trainer like me right?" He carefully ask trying to not sound dumb.

"Sorry pal, but I was Champion from all them Regions. So just wait to I take ours." I put my hand on his making him retake his words back.

"Really then you must be strong!" Leon said to me bit nervous now knowing I would probably wipe his ass in a battle.

"Boys let's talk in my office." Rose led us to his office.


After 1 hour of talk Rose finally let me go as Leon left minutes before me and Rose words still in my head repeat itself constantly.

"Y/n, I feel a threat will happen soon." Those words came out of his mouth talking completely seriously than his friendly side.

I walk out of the Rose Tower to find my phone to call Bea where we will eat.


"Hey Bea is me Y/n want to ask where we will meet up. As I just finished my talk with Rose."

"Good then come to this adresse."

She text the address that I read Battle Cafe, huh weird name.

"Okay bye see you soon."

"Bye~" She said kinda seducing before hanging me up.

"Huh that's weird." I said to myself as one of my Pokemon comes out.

"Ha knew it that you had it in you!" Lucario pat me on the back making me losing grip on my phone breaking it.

"Dude!" I shout frustrating at him.

"Sorry just buy new one?"

"Is fine always want a Rotom phone since those came out." My eyes sparkle with diamonds.

"Easy now Romeo, you need to get to Battle Cafe soon." Lucario remained me.

"Jep Buddy let's race to it." I start preparing to run.

"But I don't know the address."

"Then follow me and get your ass kick." I joke already running.

"Is on!"

"Nigerundayo Lucario!"


"Ahh!" I shout trying to overtake Lucario as he is running in front of me.

He smirk and stop  running making me fall over him.

"Do know which direction you going?" I ask annoyed by him already.

"Matter in fact I do see." He point to a window there Bea sitting waiting for me.

Jumping and dust myself off all the dust there is on me, checking my breath and slowly walk towards the Cafe.

Lucario still out just walk in before me sit to other Pokemons. Bea notice him as I walk in and wave at her and shr sees me too waving back.

"Hey." I sit on the chair there is in front of her making myself comfortable enough.

"Hi." She said and in a flash a female waitress comes over.

"Hello there what can I do for you two lovely date?" She said with a smile, but when she said date my mind exploded.

"D-da-date?!" I stutter before my mind completely shut down.

[Punch to the face] Pokemon Bea x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now