XII New Mysterious Pokemon

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Y/n Pov

I woke up in Magnolia's laboratory in the noon and saw Decidueye pointing out. So I thanked her and the scared Sonia and get out to Decidueye.

"Hey bud." I scratch his neck, friendly as he take me in front of the forest. Then I hear a loud voice "Y/n!" To be only Mew screaming my name through it's telepathy.

"Mew." Hugging the small pink Pokemon and Charizard is here too? "Why is Charizard here?" I asks Mew as I suddenly hear Decidueye's voice in my head too.

"It appears that Master Charizard try to find us and O.K the beast called Zacian."

"Oh? How is a good boy~?" I pat Charizard's head as he wiggle his tail like a happy puppy.

"Me! Me! Me!" He jump up and down, shaking the ground. Then I notices something floating or some Pokemon.

"Is that Zacian?" I asks.

"It is what the beast called itself." Decidueye scoffed not caring about Zacian as much like Mew.

"Come on Grumpy, Zacian is not that bad." Mew flying over his face, making my owl Pokemon really annoyed.

"Mx. Mew remember the beast knocked Master Y/n unconscious!" Decidueye throw his wings out, signal us that he's mad.

"I didn't. You did with your arrows, I only blown them away." Turn my head to the now conscious Zacian, still in the bubble.

"New friend awake!" Mew shout excitedly and the bubble is pop away by Charizard's finger claw.

"Sorry about you Flamethrower you." Charizard apologize.

"No, no, I'm fine." Zacian smiled, but turned into a frown and before I knew something hit me fast.


3rd Pov

The thing was a Pokemon. With Iron Head it charged at Y/n hitting him so hard that Y/n flies back to the laboratory.

"Master Y/n!" Decidueye panic like butler manner and try to find him. But stop by Charizard, who is tugging his left wing.

"Decidueye I'm scared." Charizard cry out. Unlucky for him, he get Iron Head too by the new Pokemon and Charizard and Decidueye is smash into each other.

"That's looks so fun! Now me!" Mew insist the Pokemon, to hit Mew like the rest.

"Rrrrrroar!" The Pokemon only reply and charge at Mew with full speed, however then it hit Mew, could it feel more pain than ever.

"Eh?" The Pokemon groan in pain as Mew giggle like a school girl. Zacian who watch it all unfold have a sad expression.

"Serious Zamazenta."

"Let's go Zacian." The Pokemon now known as Zamazenta glare at the giggling punk Pokemon. Who just lift Charizard and drop him on Decidueye, giggling too much.

"Stop giggling, you damn-"

"Damn what?" Mew turn it's face at Zamazenta as the Shield Pokemon flinch by the dark Aura coming out of Mew.

Mew's face is now completely shadowed and showing it's bright blue eyes turning into red dead eyes glowing.

"Uhhhh... Zacian?"

"Don't asks me! You bought into yourself!" Zacian covered itself behind a tree with fear.

"DAMN WHAT?!" Mew yell out and the whole area feel the wind blast away. Zamazenta just stand there on the shaking ground and before it knew Mew use Earthquake.

"Damn this!" Mew quickly use Psychic and throw Zamazenta into the shake ground.

"Zacian!" The Pokemon cry out for help of the Sword Pokemon.

"Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope!" Zacian flee from the scene scared.

"Damn you!" Zamazenta curse, but notices it's mistake and float in the air, facing an angry Mew.

"Didn't mean you!" Try to please Mew, but Mew had enough and yeet Zamazenta into the deepest part of Slumbering Weald.


Y/n Pov

In that moment I was hit, I flew out of the forest and landed on some kid's house named Hop and sorry him. Before getting quickly back to my Pokemons.

"Mew what happened?" I asks in shock, seeing the ground crack up. Charizard laying on Decidueye like both got smash into each other.

"If I said Santa come a kidnapped Zacian, would you believe me?"

"Mew, Santa doesn't exist." I deadpan, looking at Mew


[Punch to the face] Pokemon Bea x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now