XI Grumpy Butler Owl

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3rd Pov

[Slumbering Weald]

"Now see, Master Y/n is unconscious, because you!" Decidueye fly up in the air, making a Z-move.

"Sinister Arrow Raid!" Decidueye charge down towards the wolf as Mew use Protect on itself and Y/n who is unconscious

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"Sinister Arrow Raid!" Decidueye charge down towards the wolf as Mew use Protect on itself and Y/n who is unconscious.

"Rains from above!" As the horde of arrows hit the wolf, Critical Hit. It seems like as the wolf did make a cry out.

The big dust around the wolf slowly disappeared as it shows mysterious Pokemon with many scratches. "Huh, it seems like the mighty beast have taken hits." The owl Pokemon proudly smile to himself.

"Master Y/n." The bulter finally snap out of his pride and fly down to Y/n and Mew. "I think he needs some help." Mew said to Decidueye.

"Fine, keep eye on it, while I take Master here to nearest house." Decidueye grab Y/n with his feet and fly off the deep forest.

"Yay!" Mew flies over to the hurt Pokemon. "What was that?" The wolf asks.

"That was so called Z-move, more his upgraded version of its signature move of, Spirit Shackle." Mew fly over the wolf's head and landed on it.


"My mistake, you probably that so old that you don't know what Z-crystal is?"

"Z what now?"

"Let me explain old timer."



Sonia Pov

Okay now I have been at Turffield, Stow on Side and minutes ago inside Slumbering Weald, but ran out after I heard someone scream.

That was scary I much said, hearing someone scream like it's a haunted forest. "Sonia, how was your exposition?" I see my grandmother standing at the train station.

"I think it's haunted."

"Oh my, why?"

"Because someone scream and few Pokemons run away from the sound." I try to explain feeling the cool running down behind my neck.

"Sonia, you right about it's haunted as it looks like Y/n is dead and flying or..." My grandmother stopped thinking for words.

But did she said Y/n dead and flying? I turned around to see a Y/n up in the air. Spook out I scream and run to the laboratory.

Decidueye Pov

"No don't scream!" I try to shout, but these humans don't really understand us Pokemon talking.

[Punch to the face] Pokemon Bea x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now