IV Wyndon City

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3rd Pov




"Ah!" shouts Y/n waking himself up.

"Y/n stop screaming like a girl." grunting Lucario up from the tree.

"Sorry, but it feels like someone calling me name." says Y/n to his Pokemon through their Aura.

"If Darkrai trying to pra-"

"No I don't think that he would." Says Y/n cutting Lucario off.

"Then Cresselia or Munna."

"I don't know, it didn't feel like it."

"If it is your wannabe Jedi vision again I will-"

"Stop, last time I had a vision was in Sinnoh." grunting Y/n remember how he had to stop the Space and Time Pokemon for destroying whole world.

Y/n try to get up, but something is pulling him down. He look to see Bea holding him tight.

He sigh remember what happened yesterday before he fall asleep. Y/n now looking at Bea's face, thinking how cute she is then she sleeps. Slowly stand up.

"Huh never notice that Bea is kinda cute." Y/n said softly for not waking her up, but then her eyes open up.


"Ahhh!" Y/n falls down on the ground.
as Lucario comes in to his trainer on the ground groaning and Bea pointing and laughing at him.

Lucario sigh and help Y/n to stand up again, the H/c look at Bea with a annoy face "When was you awake?"
He ask annoyed.

"Since you scream, why need therapy?"

"No just go back to your tent and get ready for us get back to Wyndon city."

"Aye Captain." She salute joking before jogging out of Y/n's tent.

"You can get back in until we are in Wyndon city." says the H/s showing Lucario's Pokeball.

The Aura Pokemon nod and return back to the ball. As Y/n change to his trainer gear.

Then he walk out and soon later Bea too, both of them put their tent back inside their bags.

Y/n take his one none dragon type Pokeball out. "Charizard need your mighty help!" as the the red steam comes out showing a huge none dragon type with his mighty roar.

"That was a good roar buddy, maybe you go have a role in opera." The trainer petting his head.

"Bea let's go. We can get in Wyndon city in 1 hour, then we can eat breakfast." He says jumping on Charizard.

"Mm-mm." She jump too on Charizard warping her arms around him. Making Y/n blush crazy.


Then Charizard finally land on a parking place right beside Rose Tower. Y/n and Bea jump down. As Charizard returns to his Pokeball.

"Okay Bea can you book room for me?"

"Sure see ya later." She wave and walk to the nearest hotel. Y/n smile and walk to inside the tower.

Then the desk get an approval to go inside a elevator, but then he was inside it quickly stop as a hand appear.

"Hey names is Leon, yours?" He walk in with Y/n inside taking his hand out.

"Hey Leon names is Y/n, nice to meet you."

"You too." and both shakes hands.

[Punch to the face] Pokemon Bea x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now