VIII Bad Dream Or Bad Future

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Y/n Pov


I open my eyes to see black, looking at my hands, they are there still. So I'm probably in some stupid dimension again.

Ultra Beasts again? Or Space and Time? Or the worst Giratina's one.

This is stupid I thought walking around and suddenly the whole darkness turn into landscapes.

I see mountains with snow on the tip, soild rocks walls with ladders, the sea, the healthy green grass and last one big black pitch.

"The hell?" I loudly said and then I see red light from it and boom a fire started and I hear scream.

Running towards the scream I see Sonia half burn body hugging her Pokemon and some hat. "Sonia?"

"Y/n? Y/n?!" She see me in front of her, I thought she would pleased for my help, but no she just screaming at me

"Y/n you bastrad! You let everyone killed!"

"W-wh-what?!" I stutter taken back of suddenly Sonia scream. I was about to calm her down, but then a giant Pokemon dragon form right into me.

Then suddenly it stops as a small body falls in front of me. I'm in completely paralysis as the body shown to be Bea.

"B-Be-Bea!" I tugging her into me holding her bloody body. And again the dragon Pokemon threw it's move a beam comes out and destroyed everything around me.

The another body falls down. My uncle Maes, holding his phone as I hear him said. "Come on Y/n take it... Y/n-" He see me, but get stop by a Dynamax Pokemon crushing him with it's foot.


I shout in sadness as I saw my last family member killed by a Pokemon. "Y/n?" I hear a weak voice.

Looking at my chest I see Bea coughing blood out. "Bea save your strength." I warned her.

"Help will come, so you dare to closes your eyes." I try to sound strong, but could feel my tears running down.

"Of course Y/n we here!" I turn around of the voice to see all the Champions I defeated and the Professors.

"Guys?" I never thought them as help.

"Not only them." I hear a familiar voice, it's Looker from International Police Officer.

"Now use full power!" I shout as all's Pokemon attack at the dragon and the Dynamax Pokemons.

The I notice the dragon charging it's move, realizing what it's I try to warned them. "Duck now!" They look confuses.

And again the beam destroyed half of my friends, they survives look in shock and then the Dynamax Pokemons charge at us.

"Last stand now or never!" Lance shouts with his Dragonite charging at the them with the remaining Trainers.

As they attack I just hold Bea tight afraid losing her and see all my friends falls to the ground by the attacks from the Dynamax.

Looker was the last standing, then he's about to get burn by the Max Flare he mounted. "Sorry kid." His body falls to the ground ashes from the remaining body got blown away by the dragon Pokemon roar.

I knew it's over and I hug Bea half dead body to myself. "I'm sorry Bea."

"Y/n I need to tell that I lov-"

Never got to hear what she was about to said as we got completely burn by the beam.

"Ahhhhhh!" I jump out of my bed. Wait bed? That means it's just a dream or what?

My mind fast enough run different scenarios of it's just a dream or vision that is about to begin.

It's not first time I had vision then I was in Sinnoh Region. "Y/n?" I suddenly hear a worried voice, looking at the source I look down to my chest finding Bea hugging my chest as she is scared.

"Bea?" Tears run down of my cheeks as I see her completely fine, no blood on her. She was confused, but I didn't care and I hug her.

"Y/n!" She try to push me off, but I didn't even bugged by her and hug with all my worries disappear.

"I'm sorry." I closes my eyes and lay down again still hugging her. "Y/n?" I hear again, but didn't reply back as I kiss her forehead and falls asleep again, hoping no more bad dreams anymore for now.

[Punch to the face] Pokemon Bea x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now