Chapter 11

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The next few minutes spead by in a blur as I came with the grips that there is in fact a city somewhere above me. I had nearly shouted out in excitement before remembering what time it was and the fact I would most likely be arrested for climbing the tower.

It had taken me a bit to calm down enough to safely climb back to the ground; though alot faster then it probably would have taken someone else. When it was safe for me to climb down, I secured my bag once again before quickly scaling towards the dirt floor.

The metal was slick with early morning dew and it took a bit more concentration than usual to not slip. I gripped the bars with my fingers as I stretched my foot down. I stepped onto the next level before reaching out with my hand to grab the next hold... only to feel my feet give way.

I watched, almost in slow motion as I fell, as the tower grew smaller. I watched the whole world flip before I landed with a gasp on two feet. I blinked, shocked before laughing at myself. I had just fallen 5 stories, done a back flip, land on my feet and survive.

To say the least I was kinda freaking out, though only part of me was focused on that feeling. The other part of me was thrilled. I mean I had just done a freaking back flip. I didn't even know how to do a black flip, let alone execute one from 5 stories up and survive. I was euphoric.

"Way to show off kid." A gruff voice said. I glanced around and was confused when I saw no one around. "Down here!"

I looked down to my boots and jumped in my skin when I saw the black cat sitting there.

"Woah!" I said bending down and picking it up. "You can talk!"

"Ayyy!" It said squirming. "Let me go!"

I gasped when it began to shrink to the size of a kitten. I let go and was scared I had dropped it. I looked to my feet glancing around.

"Ey! I'm up here now." The cat said. I looked up and found it floating in front of my face.

"Your floating!" I said, taking in this development.

It was one thing to discover a city in the sky. Sure it was a surprise, but with the right technology it was possible. I mean my current project was enough to prove it possible. And falling 5 stories? That was probably just luck. I mean I had heard stories of people of surviving 20,000 feet fall. Granted they had a parachute, but 5 stories wasn't nearly that high so it was probably doable.

A talking, flying, shrinking cat? Now that was another thing. It was definitely not explainable by science, at least not in this decade. It was one of those things I read about in books, and used to dream about when I was younger. It was pure magic, and that made me ecstatic.

"Why thank you for telling me Mr.Observant." The cat said, rolling it's eyes. "I didn't know."

"Oh, sorry." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Don't beat yourself up about it kid." The cat said, waving a paw. "Most people have the same reaction when faced with magic."

"So you are magic?" I said, eyes widening. The cat grind at me.

"If that sounds cool wait till you hear the next part."


I spent the next hour pacing back and forth on my balcony, my heart racing faster with every thought. It was well past midnight by then, but to be honest, I didn't really care. Not after the events of the evening.

There was something exuberating, yet frightening, about my new found knowledge. I mean I just found out there's another fudging city out there!

I stopped pacing and took a deep breath in and out, in and out. Focus Marinette, you've got this. I took another breath, before running my hand in through my hair, knocking the goggles off my head.

I jumped at the sound of them hitting the ground, startled into reality. I blinked, surprised, before remembering that I had forgotten to give them back. I sighed before picking them up. I brushed them off, peering through them, scared I may have shattered the lense. I was expecting to see at least a few cracks or a scratch. I was not expecting to see a giant bug hovering in front of my face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! A giant bug!" I screamed, dropping the goggles and falling backwards. My eyes flicked my eyes back and forth for it as I crawled backwards towards my trapdoor.

"Please don't yell Marinette." A disembodied voice said softly. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

"Who said that?" I said grabbing a book of my table. I waved it wildly in the air. "Whoever said that show yourself!"

"You need the goggles to see me." The voice said calmly. "Put them on and I'll explain."

I shot a glance towards the eyewear before taking another glance around for the voices culprit.

"Why should I trust you?" I said narrowing my eyes. The voice let out a small sigh before it spoke again.

"Because Lila did try to kill you, she's a liar and she needs to go down." The voice said.

I quickly reached across my balcony and grabbed the goggles, pulling them over my eyes.

"I still don't see you." I said, looking around again. "Where are you?"

"Right in front of you Marinette."

I jumped and hit my head on the table when I saw the talking bug floating on front of my face. I went to scream again but the bug covered my mouth.

"Please don't scream." The bug said, backing away again. "I won't be able to explain if others come."

"If others come..." I said confused. "What do you need to explain?"

"This might sound a bit crazy but I need you to be patient as I tell you my story."

I nodded before sitting patiently as they spoke.

-Fun fact: Cats can survive an average fall of 5.5 stories.

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