Knight Acadamy: Skyloft

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Me: Hello I am back from my Hospital, Did you miss me?

Ganondorf: *Squeezes me* Yes!

Me: *Blushes* careful, it's strained

Ganondorf: Sorry

Characters: Yes we did

Me: This chapter may end up being longer than others, but I hope you guys have fun! I also have a question. Let's start that. Link, What is your favorite thing to do outside of saving the princess?

Link: Hmm. Good question! Well, I do love to ride Epona or play the ocarina.

Me: That sounds fun I have always wanted to ride a horse. 

Link: *Smiles* Well, I could teach you,


Ghirahim: I believe that that is Ganondorf's job Link 

Ganondorf: *Not paying attention* Huh?

Me: Link wanted to teach me how to ride a horse

Ganondorf: *Glares at Link

Link: *Blushes* Oops...

Ghirahim and Vaati: you might want to run skychild!

Bowser: What do you see in her anyways? Do you think she would be useful to you? Would she make a good puppet for you?

Ganondorf: I'm not going to use her as a tool for my gain of things I want!

Bowser: Then you don't need a human to get in-

Dark Link: Okay oversized turtle. First of all. Your not from our game second of all, you can't tell our leader what to do!

Bowser: *Growls*

Link: *Runs out of house

Me: Anyways, we need to get ready for Skyloft!

Peach: Wait, You guys used to live in the sky?

Ghirahim: Yes, Dear, there was a time they lived on clouds.

Peach: That sounds awesome!

Zelda: I am so excited to show you guys Knight Academy! *Claps*

Me: So here is what we are doing...We are going to spend the night in their own rooms and make them learn a lesson on how to become a Knight, also make them do sword training in Sparring hall.

Skull Kid: Sword training?! COOL!!!

Link: Hmm. This should be fun! I can't wait.

Groose: Wait-what if they don't have a room?! Not everyone here went to Knight academy...

Me: So we'll just split everyone up into other rooms

Zelda: And there are extra rooms there, too. Not just the rooms you see in the game. *Smiles*

Groose: NO ONE IS STAYING IN MY ROOM! *Crosses arms*

Me:...They will if I say they can. *Glares at Groose

Groose: *Sighs* HMPH.

Luigi: *Snickers*

Me: Okay guys! Let's get packed. We are spending the night!

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