Chapter 41

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Wang Fei was confined, but there was a reward in Nanxi's place, where Wang Ye had issued that hereafter everything in Nanxi's courtyard should be done according to Wang Fei's standards. In every residence, there was a cordial servant who would flatter the superior and step on the inferior and an opportunistic sort of servant.

Shortly after Xiao Qing Yan sent the serving Yahuan and all kinds of things, Nanxi's Tongxin Garden became lively. It was not only the two of the residence's Cefei, but even Ziyan and Ziyue that had always been treated as transparent, came over.

"Nanxi meimei should come to our courtyard for a walk later. We are all the people who serve Wang Ye, and later we will be sisters." Qinxin actually despised Nanxi; she was a peasant girl, why should she serve Wang Ye with them? But now Nanxi was on the height of Xiao Qing Yan's enthusiasm, Qinxin had no choice but to come and put on appearance.

The thing that Minyu most dislike to look at was exactly this smooth and slick appearance of Qinxin. Recently, she made less contact with Qinxin, and she also did not want to make people feel that they were in cahoots, so she did not give Qinxin a face– the corners of her mouth raised a smile, yet full of irony.

"These words of An Cefei are really nice. Yesterday you went to Wang Fei's place to ingratiate yourself and now here at Miss Nanxi's, you're showing deep feeling between sisters. Not offending both sides, what a nice person." About what Qinxin had said yesterday, Minyu naturally understood, but so what? Even if this Nanxi was doted on, she was only an orphan girl without any support, and such things, she had seen much more growing up! Which men were not lecherous? This Nanxi looked like an alluring woman, should probably temporarily held Wang Ye enchanted, but a beautiful woman have a feeling of freshness. When the feeling of freshness passed, Wang Ye naturally would not be so heart-broken for her. So then, could a helpless orphan girl of humble origin pose any threat to her?

But that Xu Chang An is different!

At the thought of the bitterness she had suffered in Xu Chang An's hands, Minyu's teeth ached with hate. On top of that, the thing she was most concerned about was that Xu Chang An still had the legal wife position. It was the thorn in her eyes and flesh, so naturally it was impossible for her to be a bystander.

"Meimei's words are interesting. Wang Fei is being confined, it's our duty to pay a visit as concubines. As for Nanxi meimei here, we are all sisters, and Nanxi meimei is not well, naturally we have to come and see. Hereafter, everyone shall live under the same roof, it is natural that we have to be polite and amiable." If one wishes to do as one pleased, it depends whether or not oneself have an advantage. Now she herself even wanted to see people's look and livelihood, but also dare to laugh at her here!

"Your mouth is as sharp as razor, I could not outdebate you. But what if you have a smooth tongue? Who would still be a fool? Sincere and falsehood can be distinguished by others!" Naturally, the others in Minyu's mouth referred to Nanxi. Their two guests chimed in not in the least modestly decline, but the owner of this Tongxin garden had not said a word.

It was surprising that the two personal maids, Ziyan and Ziyue, who almost became the transparent people of Wang Residence, would come here today.

Looking at these two Cefei on both sides, Nanxi's yatou, Lark was laughing in her heart. What about being a Cefei? It was not about her family's Miss earning a position that even all decorum was disregarded.

Though her Miss had no status yet, but it was a matter of time before her family's Miss gained a status, and by that time these people would no more be in her sight.

"Both Cefei, my Miss's health has not recovered. With you all quarreling about, I'm afraid it will cause a headache for Miss. If both...."

"Audacious! Does the master speak for you servant to interrupt?" Minyu did not even pay attention to Nanxi, let alone the yatou beside Nanxi, that yatou's tone was simply arrogant, who did she think her master was? The master of Wang Residence?!

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