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Then after about an hour it hits me, and I gasp. 'What, whats wrong?' I scare the poo out of Roman. 'Is there 8 of us?' I hold the bed?

'Yeah. Think so.' He frowns, confused.

'So I can only come 8th or higher?' I double check before I get too excited. 'Yes. That's how competitions work.' He laughs dryly.

'YES!!!!!' I jump up, screaming.


Looking for any cameras around. Everyone laughing understandingly as I yell out victorious. Jordan came ninth, so I'd definitely beat him. And I could now shut him up forever if he tried to get big to me.

'Oh thank god. I can go now. I'm good.' I flop back down again like a fish, Roman still laughing at me.

Then Myles comes down, announcing today's trial was called Slop of the Pops and was for two people. But there was only two people left in the bag anyway. So Roman and Caitlyn were off to do it. 'Aye, it's music anyway. You got it.'


'Slightly concerned because Caitlyn doesn't know the words to songs. Except of course Greatest Showman.' Maia flips her hair over her shoulder, laughing loudly at her own stupidity. 'But she's got Ro, and he knows like everything possible about music. So I think they'll be fine.'


They come back absolutely covered in what looks like genuine shit. And they absolutely wreak.

'Oh. My. God.' My jaw drops, I have to cover my mouth with my arm. 'We got 8!' We all cheer, trying not to gag.

They eventually go for a shower.

And once we were done all of us girls headed down to the creek. 'One story I've always remembered. I think I was doing regional news channels at the time. You might not have even been born Maia.' I frown, turning to Kate. 'Do you remember the OJ Simpson trial?' I raise my eyebrows.

Were we really gonna have that conversation?

'I saw the thing on Netflix. But I think it was all mostly when mum was pregnant with me or I was a baby.' I nod.

'Because you were really at the heart of that. During and afterwards.' Caitlyn nods. 'Yeah. Nicole was, I saw her two days before she was murdered.' My eyes widen. 'Kris' best friend. Oh yeah. We were right in the middle of it. Her ex husband Robert, OJ was the best man at their wedding.' My jaw dropped. 'Oh my god.'

'It was a bad time, for everybody. Very very difficult time.' Caitlyn nodded. I had to admit, I was hooked, listening to every word she said with wide eyes like a toddler.

'And why was it so difficult, because, it was horrible for the family? Or?' I always forget that Kate's an interviewer, knowing how to get everything out of everyone so sneakily. 'Because we knew what happened. And this 'trial' was a joke.' Caitlyn says bluntly, my eyebrows raising.

'When the verdict came down, Kris just turned to me and goes. "We should've listened to Nicole from the beginning. She was right."' I ask her a question, wanting to know more. 'So, Kris believed that it was OJ straight away and Rob didn't? Or Rob knew it was OJ and covered it?' She turns to me, coyly trying not to smile.

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