The part when the teams are made up

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It was an important day.

After graduation, all the new genins would be elected to their new teams. You and your best friend Sakura prayed that you would be together, and trying to guess which members you would both get.

Iruka Sensei caught everyone's attention and said, "From this day forward, you are all ninjas, but still genin. The hardest part is yet to come. From now on, you will be in teams of three, except for one because the number of people here is not right. You will be completing missions with your Jonin's teacher. The members have been chosen to balance out the group. Now I will name the teams"

- Time Jump

Iruka already picked 6 groups and he was about to say the 7 "Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, F/n L/n".

You and Sakura were happy to be together and you were happy for her too because she has a crush on Sasuke. "This is your chance Sakura!" You say, "Oh my god! I'm doubly happy because I have you and Sasuke...but we have Naruto..." she replies.

Naruto and Sakura have never gotten along well because Naruto has a crush on Sasuke. He can be really annoying sometimes.

"You're right... Just stay far away so you don't have to deal with him. Besides, you need to focus on Sasuke and the missions, so work on that, Sakura," you reply

-Time Skip-

"Naruto... what are you doing? Do you really think he'd fall for that?" You say

"Naruto, stay quiet!" Adds Sakura

Naruto was about to put a chalkboard between the doors when the sensei arrives get hit by it.

"It'll be his fault for being late!" replies Naruto.

"He wouldn't fall for such a simple trap" Comments Sasuke.

"Oh yeah! You're right, Sasuke! Naruto is such an idiot!" says Sakura.

They hear footsteps approaching them, it's the sensei. Naruto starts laughing a little evil, the door is opened and the sensei is hit.

"How can I say it was my first impression of you..." says the sensei, with his hand on his chin thinking "well...I hate you"

You looked at him closely. A man with long silver hair, with a mask covering his face, with a bandage covering his left eye, and in a bad mood? You can't believe he's your sensei, he's too weird.

-Time Skip-

You and the others were on the roof of a building in the village, your sensei says, "Introduce yourselves!"

"What should we say?" You ask

"What you like, what you don't like, dreams for the future, hobbies...that sort of thing"

"Before...sensei, can you show us already?" Suggests Naruto

"Me? I'm Hatake Kakashi. I don't feel like saying what I like or dislike. I've never thought about dreams for the future . As for hobbies, I have many of those." Says Kakashi Sensei

Sakura turns to you and comments, "With all that, we only know his name?"

You shrug, you were confused.

Kakashi sensei points to Naruto and all he talks about is ramen and how he wants to be Hokage, then Sakura was next and the most she said was about Sasuke and how she hates Naruto.

"You're next," Kakashi says looking at Sasuke.

"I'm Uchiha Sasuke. I hate a lot of things, but I don't like anything in particular. I don't want to turn my ambition into a dream, but I do have an ambition!

The ambition to restore my clan and, without fail, kill a special someone.

Immediately, an awkward situation arises and Sakura breaks the silence by saying, "Your turn.

"I'm F/n L/n. I like adventure and I don't like a lot of things. I'd rather not say my dream and hobbies, well...I train all the time so I don't have time for hobbies"

"Great! You're all very different and interesting! Tomorrow we will have a mission!"

"What is it?" Naruto asks excitedly

"A survival exercise"

You turn to Sakura and see her upset "We've already had so many drills at the academy, we don't need any more!"

"If I tell you, you'll hate it! 66% fail this test" Kakashi replies.

Everyone was shocked. They look at Kakashi and ask, "What time is the practise?"

"At 5:00 in the morning. I suggest you don't eat breakfast or you'll throw up." replies Kakashi

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