The part of the Hokage

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A delicious smell woke you up "hmmm" you open your eyes and walk to the kitchen. Kakashi was doing toasts with eggs and orange juice.
"Hey you..." you walk to him and kiss.
"Hey..." he replies looking down at you "someone forgot their pants, uh?"

"Meh. I don't mind if you look" You reply teasing. "Toasts with eggs? What did you put? This smells toooo good just for eggs!"

"It's a recipe I made when I was little, not gonna tell you what I put but you can guess" he sat next to you with his plate

"If there's no meat in here I'm in" You reply.
"Why? You vegan? don't eat eggs?" Kakashi gets worried

"I'm not vegan...yet. Just vegetarian because I eat cheese and eggs, not a fan but I eat" You retort

" be honest that explains a lot. During the missions I didn't see you eat fish with us or the animal we cooked...well, I've never seen you eat at all" kakashi says with his hand behind the neck

"I'm too lazy to put my food in the bag and I kinda starve myself sometimes because of happened in that missions" you laugh "not something to worry about, my body is used to it. But!!!! This toasts are damn good! Marry me!"

"W-what?" Kakashi gets shooked
"Oh...sorry! I was talking to the toast!" You laugh
He sighs

- time skip -

Left the house on your way to the hokage, got in the building and knocked the door. The hokage invite both to come in and starts to explain the mission

"Y/n and Kakashi will go on a mission as you know to capture Uchiha Itachi. He needs to be alive of course. I heard he has company, you can kill him I give permission but if you could not to would be great, to capture as well. Good luck, here's the paper and you may go"

"Hokage?" You call his attention
"What is it Y/n?"
"With all respect but don't you think he is too much for us two? it would be irresponsible to throw two ninjas to get killed easily..."

"I understand your point of view, I thought a lot about it and this is the best solution" Hokage replies calmly

"Alright..." you step back "we're going then" both leave the office

Outside of the building, you start to read the paper but you don't get what it is. "Kakashi can you help me? I can't se-" he takes the paper of you and says "let me see!" He looks at it very attentive "This is a code used by people from ANBU. I understand why he put into a code, what says in here is only for me"

"I don't even bother to ask what is it because I already know the answer..."
"Good to know you already know me" he smiles
"Whatever" you walk away "let's go kakashi"

- time skip -

You were at the gate and kakashi asks you "Did you take your food for this mission or your laziness took care of it?"

"Damn. This time I just forgot!" You state surprised
"Don't worry. I got you some before we left your house, I kinda saw this moment coming" he laughs
You smile "thanks"

After a couple of hours, you were following kakashi because apparently, that paper contains too the hide spot of Akatsuki...just possibly. "How much do we have left?"

"A lot of days Y/n, maybe four."
"Really?" You say bored "I'm already tired of walking!"

"We will stop in a few hours, just hold on"
"Alright..." you reply. A weird feeling was making you uncomfortable, you coughed to your hand and blood came out "what the-" You think

"Everything's ok Y/n?"
"Yes, sure...I'm fine!" You say normally

- time skip -

It was getting dark, kakashi stoped and started to set up the tent. "Y/n can you grab some wood?"
"Sure!" You went away. Your body was still weird, you felt dizzy. Grabbed the wood and came back

"Start the fire, I'm going to take the food out" kakashi says

"Alright!" You sat down, grabbed sticks and rocks. When you were rubbing the sticks to each other, your vision got lost a little. For some moments everything was blurred, you felt dizzy again. "Shit" You say

"What's wrong?" Kakashi asks
"Is the fire done?" He asks with his head down looking through the bags
"No, I...almost done" the cough came back, it has blood again. "What the f*ck is going on?" you think

You cleaned it quick before kakashi sees it. The fire gets done and you get up. In that moment, your brain collapsed and you fall.

"Y/n!" Kakashi goes to you "are you ok?"
"I am. I just got up too fast!"
"You sure? You look pale...a lot." He touches your forehead to see if you have fever "you're not hot. That part is good. Go lay down"

"I'm good kakashi. You don't have reasons to worry!"
"Let me know if something isn't good please. I need you strong!" He says worried

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