The part of the date

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(This is going to get spicyyyyy)

The spot was getting closer. Since it wasn't totally dark, you two could see the sunset together. There was a big rock in the mountain where you could see the whole village. The roofs were with a shining orange reflection like the sky.
"I come here sometimes to think, it's my favorite spot" You say
"It's a beautiful one definitely...the village is bigger than I thought" he adds

"It's my first time that I bring someone here. It's not that is a private spot but, I never felt like sharing until now"

"What makes me special to make you share?" He asks

"Oh have no idea" you think. "I'm not sure why" you reply

You two finally seated, you leaned back your neck exposing even more the space between your neck and chest. He was looking at you "Y/n?"

He pulled you closer to him, staring with his eyes at you. Even the Sharingan was looking, he didn't want to miss any detail
"What sensei?"
"It's weird if you call me sensei without the missions, you can use only kakashi"

"You didn't answer me kakashi" you state

Kakashi POV

The words are on the tip of my tongue, I just have to say it.

" I have to be honest with you" I say
"Y-yes?" She's blushing again, I can't resist it.

"I have feelings for you..." I say. Ok...I really said it out loud. It felt good saying it, I want her to feel the same. I want her


"He really said it..." you think. Your blushing was even more red, you were so happy.

You didn't say a word, the next moments were a deep silence. You just paralyzed.
"What I said was stupid, of course you don't feel the same" he says sad turning his face to the side

You gained courage, you were ready this time. You seated properly and pushed his chin to make him stare at you. "It's not stupid because I feel the same"

You could see he was smiling through the mask, he held your hand and turned his face to the village. "Then the blushing was not a think from my head..."
"Oh shut up!" You say slapping softly his arm "it's more easy for you because you have a mask, I don't!"

"If we are exposing each other, I can talk about that night you held my hand when I put you to sleep" you continue
"Wait, you were awake when I did that?" He asks
"Sure, I liked it though!" You say smirking at him

"Y/n, close your eyes"
"O-ok...I guess". You instantly felt his hand in your jawline, his breathe was getting closer and closer when he gets to kiss you. The feeling was amazing! His soft and wet lips made you butterflies again in your belly.
He breaks it getting near your ear "I wanted to do this since forever" with his deep sexy voice.

I love my senseiWhere stories live. Discover now