The part of the Akastuki

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You ran quickly to Kakashi's room, knocked on the door and waited for an answer.
Naruto comes from behind "Y/n...kakashi sensei is at a meeting right now. I thought you knew"

"Shit! No, I didn't know!! I really needed to talk to him. you know where is the meeting?"

"Y/n don't eve-" you cut him off shouting "just tell me!!"

"Okay! Chill girl! He's at the tower with the prince."
"Thanks! I own you one!"
You leave running down the stairs.

- time skip-

The closer you were, the voices were getting higher. you reach the door you think kakashi is at. You knock impatiently and the prince opens. "We are in the middle of a meeting can I help you? Is not the service of rooms good?"

"I really need to talk with kakashi sensei. Like right that possible?"
You see kakashi embarrassed for the situation. "Y/n, you will have to wait!" Kakashi says
The prince closes the door on your face making you whisper loud "crap!"

They were coming. Even though sasuke didn't tell you that, there was a feeling boiling that the enemy was getting closer and closer like you actually could feel him. You got scared for some moments, kakashi couldn't help you.
"What do I do? I controlled myself with sasuke but I'm freaking out right now. What is this feeling?" You think

Your mind passed out. You were awake but what you were seeing didn't correspond to the place you were at. Your vision were connected to someone else, like you could actually see with other person's eyes.
That person was at someone's back.
"I know this clothes...Akatsuki?!?" You think
You realized that person was the member you attacked. "Wtf? How am I seeing what he's seeing? Another skill from the purple chakra?"
You could hear too what they were saying.
"Yudi, Akatsuki sent me here to give you help since you can't do the task on your own. I'm Uchiha Itachi"

"What the fuck?" You think. The vision disappears and your eyes came back to what they were. You look to your side, the meeting apparently ended because the door was opening. Kakashi comes out staring at you "you still here?"
You were processing what happened, you couldn't answer that fast.
"You okay? You had something to talk about..."
You look slowly up to his face almost crying and say "they are coming, we have to go"
"Who? Who is coming? Wait let's go to a place private first"

Kakashi leaded you to his room, both sat on the bed.
"Okay what is happening Y/n?"
" am I going to say this?" You put your hands on your head
"I went to sasuke, he found me at the corridor after what happened in my room. He told me information about Akatsuki. They already collected 8 bijuus leaving me and Naruto in serious dangerous right now. I went to the meeting to tell you because, after that, I was feeling a weird chakra getting closer. After the prince closed the door, I went in a kind of dream where I was inside of the member we attacked in the woods. His name is Yudi but...what surprised me the most was the person carrying him. It's sasuke's brother..."

The way kakashi looked at you gave the expression that he already knew. You asked him and he confirmed. "How could you not tell me? Are you kidding me?" You say angry

"The hokage told me before this mission, that's why I got at the gate early because I was already up"
You get up more angry "you lied to me all this time?
"Technically it's not a lie...I just omitted"
"They are coming at me and Naruto and you decide to shut your mouth? Incredible kakashi, just fucking incredible!" You leave the room closing hard the door and some tears started to drop from your eyes.

- time skip-
You were at the roof looking at the stars still crying. Someone was getting closer, you could hear from the steps. "Can I talk to you?" It was kakashi
"Go away!"
He doesn't listen and sit next to you. "I want to say sorry, I should have told you since the beginning"

"You really hurted me for knowing PEOPLE were COMING to KILL me. I think that is something I should know, don't you think?"
"You're absolutely right. Now I see that" he looks down "I think I...I didn't want to make you feel scared and hiding it from you was the best solution I found at the time. I really care about you, makes me sad knowing you're like this. I just want to protect you"
"You can still protect me keeping me informed. This time I let it pass but if you try again, next time I won't forgive you. I hate when people hide me things" you say cleaning your tears
"I promise you that won't happen again." He opens his arms "come here" you lay on his chest hugging him. He was massaging your head.

"We should do this more often" he says
"Looking at the stars together? Yes, we should." You reply
"Look..." he points at a star "that is the brighter one. Reminds me of someone"
"Can I know who is it?"
"You" he replies smiling.
"Own. What a cliche!" You say laughing
"What? I was being romantic."
"Romantic things isn't for you" you retort
"So what's for me?"
"I don't know...your kis- nothing" you say exposed
" kisses? Is that what you were going to say?"
"Maybe..." you blushed a lot

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