Part of the training (p.3)

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Fortunately, Naruto got back to the camp with your help. Sasuke and him talked for a while to make the things clear so It was time for the training where you participate

"So as Y/n said earlier, we are going to do a special test. I don't need to explain it again I guess so get ready, I'm just going to hide the bells and be right back" He leaves.

"Always those bells..." everyone state

* time skip *

"Your test starts now " he announces

The team organized and made up a plan. Kakashi was a problem too, if the task was only to find the bells it was ok but Kakashi was protecting it.
"I want Sasuke to lead the time" you state
The kids get surprised, normally it was always you but it doesn't matter to you, you're going to use the test to make them stronger.

"If it's what you want...Naruto you're good with distracting people but don't be that obvious. Let him think you're trying to attack with the maximum capacity. That will gain us time. When I get my opportunity I put him in a genjutsu and it's where  Y/N lock him with her perfect jail. Sakura you will got our back, if naruto gets in trouble you help him or even me. If you think the situation is normal, go after the bells."

"All clear, let's go" you shout

Naruto's POV:

Even though this is a distraction, I could really try catch him.
Kage bunshin no jutsu...

"Kakashi sensei!" I shout
"Nothing changed since the first test? You're going to confront me like this again?" He replies.
Good, keep talking. You gain us time and time for me as well to come up with a plan.

"Maybe, I'm stronger this time. You're not going to defeat me as you think" I say running in his direction. Well...not the real me, the bunshin.
In the fight, kakashi got ridd of my rasengan and hitted me. Time to send another one.

Sasuke's POV:

Good job Naruto. My turn to help.
"Kakashi!" I shout. He looks up falling right on my trap. He can't move so the genjutsu went good!
But I need to be aware if it's not a clone. Only a dumb would not think of that after falling one time.

"We got it sasuke let's go!" Naruto shouts running away.
Baka! No no stay, kakashi might be- nevermind. Naruto ruins everything so...
I will chase him.

You POV:

"Where are you two doing?" You shout.
"He's a clone, I'm chasing the real one!" Sasuke retorts
"BAKA!" You shout back "I looked around to take that possibility-" you cut your off "ah why do I even care?!" You state to yourself
Gestures to make the perfect nail were being made by you. Kakashi was locked up!
"Maybe If I use a little of purple chakra...just a little..." you think
The chakra was to see the positions of your teammates. The purple chakra has the ability or something similar to the byakugan.  You found that ability one time when you were searching for your dress at your place.
"Good. Sakura is in front, Sasuke is right behind her and...Naruto got the bells?!?"
You ran in Naruto's directions.
"Naruto!" You shout
"Y/n I got the bells!!"
You take them from naruto's hand, throw them to the floor and smack after with your feet. It was a bunshin as well.
"Kakashi..." you laugh "you really got me for a couple of seconds"
He transforms back laughing with you
"How did you know it was me?" He asks
"Naruto plays clear and he loves hard tasks so..."
"Fair then!" He states "you guys have a plan to capture me?"

"Sasuke is commanding, he's the one who says the orders"
"Oh. Make a plan fast because my bunshin is behind them already" he states
"He's not! When you do a bunshin you already die because you out of chakra" You laugh And he got a little mad
"Oh sorry kakashi" you state guilty "I didn't mean to offend..."

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