The part of the decision

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It's been 3 days since you knew about your condition. You needed time to process and the doctor understood. There was a lot of missed calls from kakashi, unread messages from your friends. Everyone was worried...they have reasons but they just don't know them. That's right, you decided to keep it all a secret until the right time to tell.
"I already signed the papers, are you ready?" The doctor asks
"I am. I have to be. If I have three months left I want to spent them in the best away"
"Alright! Be careful out there and don't use your purple know the risks"
"Don't worry, I know my limits. I have to go. See ya" you leave the hospital in a hurry.

Fresh air, you missed that. Before going home, you wanted to walk for a while to exercise your legs.
In the way, you meet kakashi "Y/n!!" He runs to you "How are you? Why didn't you answer my calls? What do you have?"

You felt sad because you were about to lie to him but it would be selfish telling the truth and let him in suffer this months. "Just calm down. I'm fine. I needed a full rest That's why I didn't answer anyone and don't worry about the results. It wasn't a big deal. What matters is that I'm good now, ready for missions!"

"Great!" He says relief "speaking of missions, the hokage gave the team one. I was going to tell her now we didn't want because you were in hospital but since you got u mind taking a mission now?"

"Like I said, I'm ready for missions" you say happy
"Cool, so let's go together to the hokage"

- time skip -

Mission taken, you meet the rest of the team there. Sakura was in tears when she saw you, asking you the reason, then getting mad because you didn't text her. "She can switch her mood so easily, talks about me but look at her..." you think

"At the gate in the morning, 7:00 pm. Are we clear?" Kakashi announces

- time skip -

The alarm was marking 7:00 am. Time to get up!
You got dressed, ate your breakfast, brushed your teeth but "I'm going to throw up". You turn to the side quick and let all of your breakfast go with the toilet
"A good start of the day definitely..." you state

You left the house when you were cool and went to the gate. Everyone was waiting for you

"Imitating kakashi sensei?" Naruto asks
"Ha ha very funny. Something happened that's why I was late. Sorry"

"Since everyone is here already, let's go"
"Kakashi, what is this mission about?" You ask
Sasuke comments with the others "it's weird hearing Y/n calling the sensei by his name"

"I guess it's normal, they are a couple" naruto says
"You will get used to it like I am" Sakura adds

Kakashi answers "we are going to rescue a kid from Orochimaru"
"Since when the hokage cares about an ordinary kid?" You ask
"Not gonna lie but, everything from Orochimaru its not ordinary" Sasuke retorts

"I guess you're right" you reply
"As Sasuke said, he's not normal. He's from NE. Danzo begged his rescue to the hokage"
"I hate that guy..." you state

- time skip -

2 days and a half walking and kakashi decided to stop to rest. The kids was setting up the tents while you and kakashi were grabbing some wood.

"Actually Y/n...I'm glad you forgot about that fight. I missed you a little"

"Oh right...I forgot I was mad at him but, there's no time to be mad with people we love" you think
"It was silly, you were right. Actually I missed you too and I missed having a mission with all"

"Same. It's a easy mission so let's just have fun"
"I wanted to do that since the beginning" you state laughing

Both came back, set up the fire and made a circle to eat and talk about the things when you and kakashi were gone

"Wait" you laugh "naruto did that?"
"He's a total baka! Who in their perfect mind says something like that to the hokage?"
"Naruto!" Everyone states
"You don't have to be like that-" naruto replies
Everyone laughs even more and it's when you felt something strange. "Guys...someone is here!"

The kids take their kunais out as the sensei.

"Hm they found us. I'm deidara. TOBI, come out!"
"Deidara senpai!!"
"Shut up Tobi!"

 TOBI, come out!""Deidara senpai!!""Shut up Tobi!"

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Everyone was looking at them like that
"From...Akatsuki?" You ask "because of the vests"
"Hai. I'm going to capture the purple chakra and show the world my art!"

" aware..." kakashi states

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