The part of the confession

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You ran outside to find naruto. It was dark, probably 2 am.
"F*ck. Naruto alone during a mission..." you activated your fire nature so that your finger could have a little flame
"Naruto!" You shout and no answer. The next minutes the same shouts and no answer, you started to get worried and its when hope appears
"His jacket? He must be cold! Baka yaro!" And you continue "naruto!" And finally he responds
"I need to be alone, please go back..."

"Naruto..." you get closer. He was embracing his knees with his head between his arms, he was crying and angry.
"This ain't you being so emocional" you state "I shouldn't say that" you think

"Right now I can't be strong like the rest of the didn't have the right to do what you did" he states looking up
"I cant undo it" you reply "I shouldn't say that too..." you think

"Saying that in front of sasuke. Imagine what is he thinking...jeez..."
"Probably that you like him" you reply "jeez what is my mouth saying today f*ck!" You think

"If this is your way to apologize or help let me say you're miserable at it"
You sigh and sit next to him "look...I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose, I was mad because of kakashi saying those stuff and I forgot to whisper with the nerves. I'm really sorry ...maybe now you should talk with sasuke and say it was part of the dare-" he cuts you off

"No. There's a part of me that is relieved that sasuke knows...deep down I'm happy. I'm just scared to get rejected...and Sakura probably will punch me hard"

"Definitely!" you state "but if you think it's the right for him to know then just confess correctly..."

"I will!" He gets up confident cleaning his tears "I will say it right now!"

"Yosh! Let's get back! Our men are waiting"
"Too soon Y/n"
"Oh. By the way baka, wear your jacket or do you want to get cold?"

- time skip -

Kakashi was in your room and sasuke was sleeping when both came back.
"Maybe you should talk in the morning" you say in front of sasukes room
"Looks like it. Well, good night y/n"

You went to your room
"Kakashi!" You shout whispering "don't pretend you're sleeping, that game doesn't work with me!" You sit next to him mad "in the morning you will apologize to Naruto, understood?"
"H-hai..." he states scared

( My ugly ass brain wants to put some pepper between sasuke and naruto. I don't ship them, I mean, for me they're just friends but today I feel more gay than the usual so they are happening)

*4:00 Am*

Sasuke gets up slowly trying to make any noise, walks to Naruto's door and knocks shouting his name.

"Who is it?" He replies
"It's me...Sasuke."
Naruto gets up when he hears his name. "I...I...I'm coming. Just a sec"
He takes his pijamas hat off and wears his jacket. The door got open and both face each other.

"Can I come in?" Sasuke asks

Naruto invites him to sit on his bed to have a chat.
"So what's up...?" Says Naruto already knowing the reason

"It's about what happened earlier. I needed to ask you if what kakashi said it's true..."
Naruto sighs and confirms nodding his head.
"Oh" Sasuke gets shook
Naruto replies embarrassed "I had a chat with Y/n and I decided to tell you...I mean confirm since you already knew. I don't expect anything from you I...I just wanted to make it clear about my feelings"

Sasuke blushes and replies "I feel the same way..."
" you do?" Narutos shouts
"Shhh" he says "don't be so loud. Yes I do"
Naruto smiles making Sasuke smile too.

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