The part of the train

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You sat next to the fire with kakashi, cooked some food and went to sleep.
"Kakashi?" You ask. You were laying your head on his chest
"What is it?"
"I haven't train in a while"
"You train when we get back!" He states
"No. I want now" you get up opening the tent
"Are you going to train this late?"
"Yes. If you want to train a little, come with me. I've never seen you train" you reply smiling

It was an open space, perfect to train. Couples trees to throw jutsus and space to train the speed.
" I want to learn a new jutsu" you state to yourself
"Okay" you look back, kakashi was smiling at you. "Tell me your nature first"
"All of them..." you say with your hand behind your neck

"What?" He says shooked "A-all? From you?"
"What's that suppose to mean?" You say mad ready to attack
"I just got surprised, I mean you're a genin..."
"But you know I'm not a common Genin so stop with that!" You reply
"Right!" He takes his book from the pocket and says "let me know when you're ready to learn the new jutsu...if you still want to"
"I'm going to run a little, I will come back in 20 minutes"

- time skip -

You were alone, kakashi was far away from you. It was dark and very silence, only your fast breathe was taking the place. Even thought you were alone, you didn't feel like it, someone was nearby. You stopped and laid on a tree to rest, a stick from above was making a noise. It was an enemy. You throw a kunai and the person appears in front of you.

"Yudi!" You think
"Finally you!" He states "you don't have your little buddies now to help you" he laughs
"What do you want?"
"The same as before, your chakra!"
"Where's Itachi?" You ask confused "weren't you a team?"

"Itachi is doing something right now, that bastard left me!" He looks down pissed off
"Drama queen uh?" You think. "Well I'm busy right now, don't feel like fighting. It was good to see you" you stand up and start to walk away.

"What are you doing?" He says confused
"Going back? I'm in the middle of my training, if you want to interrupt it, I won't have mercy. NOBODY MESSES WITH MY TRAIN UNDERSTAND?" You shout mad

"Y-you sound like my mother-r!" He replies scared
"This guy is just weird...but he's strong." you think.
"Sorry but I have to fight with you or Itachi kills me!"
"Where's Itachi?" You ask
"In that mountain!"
"Baka. Telling me where is the enemy? He sounded more intelligent the first time we've met" you think doing this face:

 Telling me where is the enemy? He sounded more intelligent the first time we've met" you think doing this face:

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"Thank you" you leave.
"Wait!" He grabs you with his snakes. "Crap! I let my guard down" you think. "What!?" You shout

"Where do you think you're going? You're going with me!" He shouts squeezing you with them.

You made an explosion with your chakra letting you free of it. That damaged your body, the weird feeling come back with a cough with blood. "Again? What's happening?" You think

Kakashi's POV:

Y/n is taking so long, didn't she say 20 minutes? I'm going to check out.

You POV:

You start to spill blood from your mouth. With your weakness, you could fight the guy. You made clones to distract him to use your jutsu, wrapped him and sucked his chakra. He got away from it and found your spot. Wrapped you again making hard to breathe. You made other explosion what put you in a hard position for your body. You have other jutsu that rarely use. You absorbed chakra from the nature in two seconds, made a sea around him, electrified it with lightning, wrapped him with mud, sent a wave of fire and smacked his body with rocks. You call it: Five Nature Jutsu.

"Just in case, I'm going to add a new thing" you say. You reunited purple chakra in your hands and made a jail of chakra for him.

That wasted all of your energy what makes you fall on your knees, the blood came out aggressively. "I need to get up" you think "kakashi is waiting for me"

"Y/n!" Someone shouts. You looks back slowly, couldn't see that much because your vision was blurred but that grey hair you can't miss. "Kakashi..." you say weak
"Daijoubu desu ka??" He pushes you up to his back.
(In case you don't know, that phrase kakashi said means "Are you ok?")

"I used all my chakra on this fight but Yudi from Akatsuki is dead!" You retort faintly "also, he said Itachi is on that mountain"

"Itachi left him? You sure is not a trap?" He asks
"There's only a way to find out but now I need to rest"

- time skip -

You went back to the tent and kakashi sat next to you. Cleaned the blood and asks "you have a lot a blood, what happened for something like this? You don't have bruises or anything..."

"He smacked me, probably was that" you reply.
"I need to find out what is happening to me..." you think

( sorry for using Japanese but I thought it would be fun. Besides, you learn new things 😉)

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