The part of the mission

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"WAKE UP!" yells Sakura throwing a cup of water at your face.

"Wait what?" You shout confused "what was that for?"

"Get ready, we will have our mission today!" She's very excited

"I think it's just after lunch Sakura, so chill out"
"No, it's not. I went to the hokage and I asked him personally and he said it's in..." She checks her watch "exactly 45 minutes!"

You look at Sakura laughing because she can get ridiculous sometimes. " the hokage. For sure you couldn't wait"

"Don't be mean!" She replys slapping friendly your arm "you know that I can't wait for the first real mission, even tho it's an C level. I don't care, it's still a mission that I should be excited for"

You get up quick, pick your clothes from the floor and run to the kitchen to eat while you're dressing. Sakura was at the door already, yelling at you all the time that if you don't hurry up, you will get late. "It's just a damn minute Sakura, I can't do the things right with you yelling in my ear!"

-time skip-

You and Sakura get at the gate. For some reason the village was very silent that day, all you could hear was birds and foots steps getting nearby. It was sasuke.

"Good morning sasuke" you say
He gives you a cold look and ignores you.
"You don't need to be that rude, you know? Saying good morning back would be polite of you" You retort
"Yeah, whatever. Good morning for you two" he grunts
"Good morning sasuke!" says Sakura very excited with a shining look

You can hear steps nearby again and this time it was naruto. "Is he late again?" asks Naruto
"Speak for're late too" you reply
A lot of smoke appeared again, it's kakashi sensei.
"What's your excuse for today sensei?" asks Sakura with her arms crossed
"Hello students, today I got lost on the road of life"
"The other sounded more real kakashi sensei" replies Sakura

You weren't paying attention to the conversation. You were looking at kakashi thinking of what happened yesterday. "What is that feeling?" You think. You were out of the reality again, the image of it was crossing your mind over and over but then, a voice was calling you back.
"Y/n? You sleeping awake?" asks Sakura
"Oh um...I was n-  yes I was. I should have slept more" You respond

"We should get going, our client is over there, behind you" says kakashi walking between you four ready to leave the village

- time skip-

"Sr. Tazuna San.." says Sakura
"Your country is the Waves Village, right?" She asks
"And what?"
"Kakashi sensei..." Sakura turns to kakashi "is there also ninjas in that place?"
"No, there's no ninjas in the Waves Village" responds kakashi "But in other places, even with different culture and habits, there is hidden villages with ninjas"
"He's right. When I was traveling, I found one of the hidden villages with Shinobis besides the leaf" you add

"The hidden villages are a part of the original country, they are the military of the nation" continues kakashi
"Kakashi sensei, why the waves village don't have a military hidden village?" asks Naruto confused

"They don't need to" replies kakashi "the countries that have hidden villages are the five great ninja nations and they are fire, water, wind, lighting and earth. The leaf village from the fire country has the hokage, the Mist village from the water country has the Mizukage, the cloud village from the lightning country has the Raikage, the sand village from the wind country has the kazekage and the Rock village from the earth country has the Tsuchikage. Only the greatest ninjas can have the name of Kage and all together lead the five great ninja nations."

"Really? The lord hokage is incredible!" says Sakura
"What village did you find, Y/n?" asks Kakashi
"The hidden sand village" you answer "I met there very nice people and three of them stayed really good friends of me"

Kakashi sensei stops walking and whispers "we have company here, be aware"
The next second, after he said that, two ninjas with metallic weapons attacks kakashi from behind making it impossible for him to move. Sasuke gets in action and throws two shuriken to pull them away but they got behind you quickly without you noticing and cut your arm. After you, was naruto. He got paralyzed and got cut in one hand.

Couple minutes passed and kakashi took care of them "sorry for not helping, naruto! I didn't know you would paralyze like that" says kakashi

Sasuke turns around and asks "Listen...are you hurt, scaredy-cat?"

"Naruto and Y/n, don't move that fast! This weapons have poison, we need to take it out of you quick" retorts kakashi

"That's explains why I'm not feeling good" you reply "Sakura go get the bandage and a kunai to take the poisoned blood out" kakashi ordered "Y/n don't fall asleep, keep talking to me"

You couldn't, the poison was spreading fast and your body just lost his strength and you fell. Your vision was blurred...eventually making you pass out.

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