The part of *** test

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"What is this smell?" You say while you were waking up. When your eyes got open, a plate full of pancakes was covering your vision. "What the f*ck is this?" You state
"Pancakes!" Kakashi shouts
"I know what that is but when you did those? this a way of apologizing because of yesterday?"
"Maybe..." he says innocent
"Chill. You could just say sorry and do what I told you to do last night. Did you apologize already?" You say sitting on the bed
"Well...I tried!" He states
"What do you mean "you tried"?"
"It was something like this..."

*1 hour earlier*

"Naruto!" Kakashi shouts while knocking at naruto's door
"I'm coming sensei" opens the door "what is it?"
Naruto put his head between the door and the frame, covering his room as much as possible like he was hiding something. Kakashi found it weird.
"Is everything ok...?" He asks confused
"Y-yes! Everything ok here!" Naruto states innocent and it's when, a voice coming from his room, grunts his name.
"Sas-" kakashi got cut off "bye sensei. I will be ready in 10 minutes.

*actual time*

"And then when I was coming back I could hear those two arguing because naruto was obvious" kakashi finishs
"That was quick!" You state "let's keep a secret to Sakura or naruto will lose his head"
A few minutes later, you were throwing up on a tree because the pancakes made you sick. Kakashi felt guilty and tried to help holding your hair. The kids came out, Sasuke and Naruto were giving a chill vibe looking to opposite ways
"Those two..." kakashi thinks laughing mentally

"I feel better now" you say
"So let's go then." The Kids reply

*time skip*

After a long time, the team was back at konoha with the missing kid. Kakashi took him to Danzo, Naruto ran to ichiraku as always to eat his ramen and took Sasuke with him this time. Sakura went home and you decided to go to a place first before doing the same as her.

"It's 2.908 please!" The pharmacist says
"Here!" You went home with a pregnancy test.

"It's just a pregnancy test. Not a big deal!" You think to calm down. After a while you did it but you were impatient waiting for the results.
"Come on...come on..." you say repeatedly
The test marked positive. "I bet this sh*t is wrong!"

You went to buy another but the same happened
"I can believe it..." you state "I'm pregnant?"

(This chapter is short...sorry uwu)

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