The part of the special date

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He smiled and said "come on. Those bells don't get caught by themselves"
"O-ok" you ran to the others

*time skip*

"Any sign of them?" You ask while running in the trees with them
"We already got them, where were you?" Sasuke asks
"Sorry. I saw a fake Naruto with a fake bells on the way"
"So the first kakashi was a clone!" He replies thoughtful
"Alright, let's go back if you have them. Did you confirm if they are real!"
"Of course" Sakura replies

* time skip *

"Good job guys! The train ended so you are dismissed!" Kakashi annouces

"This was fun" Naruto states walking away with the others

Kakashi walks to you and whispers behind your back "now it's your turn"
You blush, the way he said was hella provocative
"Jeez I'm curious" you turn around to face him. "Kakashi..." he pulled his mask down and met your lips. Those soft lips that drives you crazy "I really missed that" you add after breaking it
He holds your hands and runs away to a spot. When both got there, your eyes were amazed.
"Kakashi since when..." he cuts you off "I came here last week to do it"
Kakashi decorated a part of that camp with Roses around the big rock that was in the middle, LEDs on the trees making a circle, a towel on the floor with snacks and a calm music to relax after a long day.

"I...thank you!" You hug him without hesitation. He hugs back and after a while That hug transforms in a cute lazy dance. The two balancing to the sides calmly hearing each other's hearts beating fast. Two musics playing along, your state of mind belonged to him, the man of your life.
"You have no idea how happy I am at the moment..."he retorts looking deeply in your eyes, your soul was being invaded by him.
"Kakashi...I'm all yours" you let it out whispering.
"Y/'ve been mine since the beginning..." he picks you up still looking at you. Both sit on the towel maintaining the silence. Your hand gets near to his. He holds it and leans down to kiss it.
"What a gentleman man we have here" you laugh
"Shut up" he laughs "just you to ruin the moment"
"Just me? I'm sorry if that made me laugh" you were holding your laugh and he was doing the same

"This ain't funny why I am laughing?" He explodes so do you once more

"Ok ok let's stop" you stopped but both made eye contact "for fuck sake, you doing it on purpose" you snort
"Shut up! It's you!" He snorts back
"Just stop it ok" you hold your mouth but he looks at you again and a loud laugh comes out.
After that, kakashi laughs because of your laugh and the way around.

* time skip *

"Oh my god I never laugh so hard in my life" you state cleaning your tears
"Same Y/n, same"

"Can we eat now? Me and the baby got tired of this" you open it and you see Milka.

"Kakashi you have not idea how much I love you"

Both stopped, those words came out so naturally from you. You look at him, he was shooked and all you can think about was "Say it back please..."

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