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It was morning. You were at home making pancakes with Sakura since you two didn't have a morning together in a long time. Kakashi knocks at the door so you ask Sakura to attend him
"Ugh! He's your man!"
"Get the fuck up Sakura!" You shout faking mad

"Morning!" He says to both. You wave at him "hey hun. Want some?"
Sakura comes to you and leans to whisper "what about OUR morning?"
"Maybe next time!" You reply laughing
"Baka" she said with her arms crossed
"Is everything ok?" Kakashi asks trying to guess what we said
"Everything f-" you got interrupted by a strong pain in your belly making kakashi get up quick
"Y/n?" He calls running to you
"Take me to hospital, damn it!" You beg already sweating "I think the baby is suffering!"

"It's not time for that. Help me get in a fucking car damn it oh god!" You walk grunting at everything you see.

* time skip *

Sakura and Kakashi were waiting for a doctor to say how you were. Meanwhile, you're sedated in a bed to relief the pain.
The doctor comes in to have a talk with you              "Y/n ...this is getting worse..."
You sigh sad already knowing "I know the baby alright!?!?"
"By miracle he is." He states looking to the papers
"He...? It's a he?" You ask surprised "isn't a little too soon to know the baby's gender?"
"In your case we could notice sooner. Somehow your baby is growing faster than the normal but with a good health!" He looks down after that "now the bad news..."
You bite your lip stressed "worse than death it can't be so..."
"I'm afraid to tell you that it was your last normal day outside. If you want that baby to continue healthy, he needs our vigilance."

You stood for a moment to the ground thoughtful thinking about the next move "it's time to tell them...isn't it?" You say
"Yes, indeed...I'm not sure how many days you have now, it can't be anytime..." He retorts

You suppress your tears kinda shooked.
"Do I call them?" He asks
"You can call them..." You take a tissue that was next to you to clean your tears that u couldn't handle.

* time skip *

"Hey guys!" You wave at them sad
"What's wrong? Is the baby okay?" Kakashi asks running worried at you
"No no...the baby's fine!" You look down
"I still can't believe you guys..." Sakura mumbles with her arms crossed

"Maybe you guys want to grab a sit..." They do what you said curious.
"What's the problem then?" Kakashi asks

You try to pick the right words to explain. Kakashi couldn't help crying so as Sakura. You joined them too.

"And that's it..." you say
"Am I going to lose! NO!" Kakashi has a breakdown hugging you tight
"I'm so sorry!" You add

Sakura stood there in shook
"Sakura..." you turn to her opening one arm to embrace her. She goes slowly without saying a word, just crying silently.

"You should have told me!" He states switching moods
"Kakashi you have to under-"he cuts you off breaking the hug
"NO! That was so selfish! You made me look dumb, you made Sakura and the others looks dumb! You had no right..." He walks out slamming the door. Both look at each other confused.

"I don't blame you" she says calm
"Thank you Sakura" You embrace her tight

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