The part of Sasuke

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"Y/n come back! We have to find Sasuke!" Kakashi shouts
"Oh F**k you! You pissed me off! I'm going to complete this mission quick and come back in a minute." You shout too
Everyone looks shook to kakashi after you said to f**k himself. "Should we wait for her...?" Sakura asks

"I mean yes...people that leave friends behind are worse than trash" naruto says and turns to kakashi "right, sensei?"

"Yes..." He replies

- time skip-

"Mission done, now let's get that kid!" You say running to them

"Y/n you good?" Sakura asks
"Sure. Why wouldn't I be?" You reply giving a cold corner look to kakashi

"Alright! You two! Put your emotions aside! I don't want your couple troubles here!" Sakura shouts

"SAKURA! Naruto doesn't know..." you retort mad
"This" Asks Naruto confused
"Yes,they do. I guess" she replies
"I told you to keep your mouth shut!" You state
"Oh for real, we can trust Naruto and you know it. Eventually he would find out like the way I guys aren't careful!" She responds
"I really don't know how did you find out...poor eyes of you..." naruto adds

"Whatever let's go..." you walk away but kakashi yells at you "Y/n, come back!"
"What!?!" You yell back
"We have to do a plan"
"F*ck your plans!" You state
"Don't talk to me like that! I'm still your sensei!"
"You know what?" You get closer "don't come at me like that. Who lost the respect first was you, the way you talked to me like I did something terrible and then that cold look...I really don't know why you acted like that but no one, NO ONE talks to me like that, not even my boyfriend! Understood?"

"Right!" He replies "you're being so childish right now...but I can't blame you, you're still 18..."

"What did you just say?" You get ready to attack kakashi

"You two stop right now!" Sakura shouts "Sasuke needs us, let's go okay?"

"Exactly! Put whatever is that aside" adds Naruto

Kakashi and you did what they said. There was a man alive between them, asked some questions but he wasn't answering. "I guess we go to the hard way" you punch him really hard making him pass out

"Great! Good job Y/n! The information we need is gone now!" Sakura retorts
"Sorry guys..." you reply
"Is he dead or we can wait until he wakes up?" Naruto asks

"Forget about him. Sasuke is not far away...I can smell him now. This way!" Kakashi shouts running to the trees

- time skip -

"Where is him exactly? We've been running for decades..." Naruto says
"We arrived!" Kakashi announces

There was an abandoned building with two guards in the front. You came up with a plan: Sakura and you were going to distract them while Naruto and Kakashi go inside without them noticing.

"We can do that" Sakura says
"Let's do it then" Naruto states

Everything went good. Both were inside and kakashi says "Sasuke is behind that door!".
Typical of Naruto, he quicks the door. Sasuke was tied up passed out bleeding from his face, he was alone.

"Sasuke..." Naruto says
"Untie him while I guard" kakashi retorts
"hai" naruto runs to him "Sasuke...wake up..." he unites and carries him on his back. Both went outside and you and Sakura took care of those two.

"What happened to Sasuke?" You ask
"I don't know...we found him like this" Naruto responds
"Lay him down...let me take care of this" You sat next to sasuke, healed him with a medical Jutsu.

"'re a ninja do-" you cut Sakura off saying "technically yes, I studied a little of that to moments like this or worse. It's good to have this kind of ninja around" you smile

Sasuke wakes up slowly "how you feeling" You ask
"I've been better..." he replies
"Come to my back, I carry you all the way" Naruto offers
"No thank you..."
"Sasuke!" Naruto screams like he always does

- time skip -

The team arrived at the village. Naruto dropped Sasuke at the hospital and went to eat ramen at ichiraku with Sakura and Kakashi. You didn't feel like eating so you went to your favorite spot.

After a while there, you fell asleep but steps getting closer woke you up. "How did you know I was here?"
"Easy to guess after you telling me this is your spot" says kakashi

"Go away..."
"I think we should talk, don't you think?" He replies
"I don't have nothing to talk about!"
"If you don't it's you but I have a few things to say..." he sits down next to you looking sad at the village "I want to say sorry"

"A little bit too late uh?"
"Maybe...I was stupid"
"And a lot more" You state
"All that...and I'm sorry for making you hurt"
"Alright" you sit properly " why did you behave like that?"
Kakashi looks even more sad, actually you could see a tear dropping from his eye. You've never seen kakashi cry, weird...

"You good?" You ask carefully touching his shoulder to comfort
"Yes...I completes another year that my father died...I get grumpy and all on this day to hide the sadness but this didn't work out that well" he laughs crying

"Kakashi..." you hug him supportive "I forgive you, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not mad at you anymore, next time come to me if you need attention to this stuff. This is new seeing you so vulnerable...I don't know if I should be happy or freaked out but then I will see it. If you want, today you can stay at my house, I tell Sakura to not come in the morning to eat breakfast and we stay a little together. What do you think?"

"Sounds great" he leans his head on your shoulder "thank you"

"Come's getting dark and cold outside" you stand up giving your hand to kakashi. He takes it and holds your hand until your house.

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