The part of the training (p.2)

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"Naruto one more time!" You shout

It's been three hours that the train started. Now Sakura and Naruto were learning new basics jutsus involving shurikens.
"Naruto your nature is wind so involve the shuriken with chakra to make it shaper than before. Just cut the tree!"
"It's not that easy as you say!"
"Hai hai" you take the shuriken "let me show you!"
You close your eyes as you feel the chakra invading the shuriken. "First step done and now..." it was clear that the shuriken was getting shaper
"Wow...amazing" he states
"Here" you throw to the tree and it cut in a half
"Try now. Feel the chakra first and then you sharp it"

You walk to Sakura
"So how is this jutsu going?"
"Well from the paper you gave me to find my nature, I found I can use earth and water right?"
"Hm and?" Your reply
"I was thinking of mixing water with earth to have mud. With the mud I do a form of a large shuriken that gets the opponent and mud drys fast so he can't move right?"

"I know what you're trying to say but making mud is really hard. I took me 2 years to complete that training and where do you use the real shurikens in that story?" You explain
"You're kinda right..." she replies disappointed
"Well I will help you." You pick a shuriken and involved it with chakra, then do little pieces with the nature earth like a peak ball and throw it to the tree
"With the right speed and the right number of sharped rocks around the shuriken you can have a great weapon here." You clap her shoulder "think about it."

"Hai!" She says excited

You shout "Kakashi!! It's time for you to take Naruto"
You walk to him "Naruto continue with the shurikens later. Maybe tomorrow I can help you with the rest" he agrees and goes to kakashi. You turn your attention to Sakura

"Let's see. Did you agree with my idea?"
"Hm sounds simple than the one I was thinking before. I will try it."
"Ok then. Before a bench for me to sit please"

"You kidding me? Why? Do it yourself! you can do earth as well"
"Everything part of the training!" You state
"I think you're using this day for a revenge"
"Perhaps"  you laugh while sitting on the bench Sakura just made

"Well, start that Jutsu!"

*time skip*

It was almost 1 pm, everyone's stomachs were begging for food so kakashi called everyone to reunite for a lunch. All sat and started to talk about the things the kids during the morning.

"Sasuke, I didn't see your training, what did you do?" You ask curious
"Nothing much" he grunts
"Nothing much!?!? I showed you chidori!" Kakashi says mad
"HaI hai someone is mad" you add making everyone laugh
"But Sasuke, use that jutsu carefully" you advert him
"Ok" he replies not facing you. Naruto found that weird and went to him to ask if he was ok. He grunts at him
"What's wrong Sasuke? Wanna talk?" He asks
"There's nothing wrong. Go sit!" He retorts back to naruto
"Leave him alone for now. You can talk to him after the lunch, we can wait for you" you whisper to Naruto
"Ok, thank you Y/n"

"Sasuke wasn't like that when he arrived" you state to kakashi
"I know. He's like this because of Naruto"
"What do you mean Kakashi sensei ?" Sakura joins the conversation
"'s between them, I'm not going to spread their secrets. It was just an acident me hearing all that during the training so..."

"You started and now you finish!" You state
"Hm..." Before kakashi could finish his thought, Sasuke and Naruto started to discuss

"It's all on you!" Sasuke shouts
"I still don't understand why you mad! Don't tell me it's because of what happened this morning because if it is, you're acting like a kid!"

"Precisely that. You didn't have the right to wear my hoodie like we were.. we were..." Sasuke gets confused
"We were what?" Naruto asks shouting
"A couple!" Everyone gets surprised, you didn't thought he would admit something like that.

"Maybe we should leave..." you say looking to kakashi and Sakura
"No guys!" Naruto replies "stay, this will end in a second." He turns to Sasuke "if you're not ok with the fact you might have feelings, then I'm sorry for doing that but...I can't be near you atm, it's toxic!" Naruto gets up and leaves the training camp

"He really wins with talk no jutsu" you state

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