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"Kakashi?" You say, calling him back to reality.

"Oh sorry! My mind was wandering..."

"Don't you feel the same?" You ask, startled by his answer.

He laughs in your face, "Of course I do. If I didn't love you, why would I do this*talks about the surprise*?"

A smile trails across your face, as well as his.

*Time jump*

"Mhm that was so good!" You say and stand up. He's confused "Where are you going?"

You wipe the dirt off your clothes and say "I'm going to see my sister, I need to talk to her."

He raises his eyebrows in confusion "Why? Out of nowhere...."

"My stuff ok?" You walk away and wave at him.

*Time jump*

You walked in and the guard led you to Lina's cell. It was cold in that prison, so cold that you rubbed your arms to warm yourself up.

"Here!" Said the guard. He opened the door so you could stand in front of her.

"Lina ..." I say

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

I sit down because it's going to be a long conversation.

"This is going to be interesting because you're the first person who knows ..."

She pauses in silence, waiting for you to start.

"I came here to cleanse myself of the things I've done in the past."

"A little late, isn't it?" She says wryly

"Maybe so, but ..." You sigh and look down "It's not like I have much time to say it another time ..."

"Why?" She asks confused

"It's been two and a half months now that I know I'm about to die."

She looks at you still confused " soon?"

"I only have about 15 days to live according to the doctors theory"

She looks at you and tears almost come to your eyes and you sigh with sadness

"Am I the only one who knows this?" She asks

"At the moment... yes. I don't want the others to know, because it would be selfish to take away their happiness so soon..."

"It's also selfish to keep something very important from them, but... I would do the same if I were you..." she replies, looking away sadly

"So this is the last time I'll see you? It's not that I like you that much, but being in that cell made me think and I was hoping to be with you...." she looks at you with innocent eyes and drops a tear.

"Sorry, maybe next time..." you say smiling sadly. You get up to hug her and whisper "Goodbye...Lina..."

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