The part of the new member

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Kakashi was carrying you and Itachi, I don't know how but he was.
"WAIT!" A voice was calling from a tree. Kakashi throws both to the floor and takes a kunai out
"Who's there?"
"Leave itachi and go!"
"I'm afraid I can't do that!" He throws a kunai at the enemy forcing her to come out.

Both were facing each other, kakashi takes other kunai out. "That's not necessary. I'm not here to fight unless you want to" she sighs. "Can we talk?"

Kakashi nods and she continues "I'm Lina. The new teammate of Itachi. I can't let you take him so just give him back okay?"
"I can't do it. It's my mission to capture him."
Lina does the same jutsu you do with the wires and takes Itachi out of Kakashi's side.

Kakashi POV

How do you know y/n's jutsu? She's the owner of it


Lina leaves with Itachi and Kakashi went to fight with her
He makes her use a lot of jutsus to waste her chakra to attack after, expecting that from him. The dragon water jutsu was the one who took her down. He picked up Itachi and went to you.
"Kakashi..." you were waking up
"Hey y/n! How you feeling?"
"I've been better" you laugh "where are we?"
"Going back home. I got Itachi, can you stand up?"

- time skip -

It's been a day since you were walking, kakashi proposed to set up the tents. Even himself was tired of carrying Itachi.
You went to pick up some wood for the fire while kakashi was cleaning his wounds.
"Y/n..." you hear a voice echoing
"Who's there?" You shout scared
"Don't you recognize me?"
"Should I? Show your face!" You shout even louder
Moments we're passing and no response. It wasn't cleaver be there vulnerable and with wounds from the last fight. You ran back to kakashi.

"Kakashi!" You shout meters away from the set up
"Hey, what's up?"
"I...I heard someone in the woods. Might be my imagination actually but I felt it wasn't..."
"stay here with Itachi, I'm going to take a look just to make sure"

You sit next to him "I really knocked you down huh?"

"Y/n..." the voice came back
"You again? What do you want?" You prepare a kunai to attack
"I don't want to fight. Give me Itachi and I leave you alone"
"Show me your face, coward!" You shout scared
"Wanna play the hard way?" The enemy starts to throw kunais from all the directions but kakashi got there in time to help. The attack stopped.
"Is that you Lina?" Kakashi asked
You look at him shooked "L-Lina? Did you say Lina?"

"Hai..." he looks carefully at the trees
"Is good to see you again Y/n! You still look like trash but blame mum, she was horrible"
"SHUT UP! Don't talk about mum like that!" You say angry. Kakashi was confused
"Mum? Why you two talking about your mum?"

"Are you going to tell him or...?" The voice says
You look pissed off, turned to kakashi and says "Lina is my sister..."

He gets shook "I didn't know you have a sister"
"After all you don't know a lot about me!" You state "Lina, we already know it's you! Come out! If u want something from us, show your face at least, you bitch!"

Lina comes out laughing "you still haven't lost the touch, insulting me is one of your hobbies since day one"
"Itachi can't go with you, forget that idea!" You go directly to the point

"Alright so...we both want that man! Why two y/n? You already have kakashi"
"It's obvious thats not for personal reasons. Go Lina! I'm stronger than you and you know it."

"Right right! Just because you were the first born child that got the power? Do you think that makes me a loser and something lower than you? You're wrong. All this years I've trained hard and I can beat your ass finally"

"Let's see then!" You were shaking excited but kakashi calls you to reality, you were still hurt from the previous fight and your body was still weird for some reason you didn't know.

"Provocations now isn't smart Y/n!" Kakashi states
"You're right! Still...she's not stepping back, I don't see her in years but I know she doesn't give up never"

"So thats a problem..." kakashi retorts
"We have to fight her...maybe we need backup...That Plan D we did last mission in case the kids were out, let's put it in action"

"Hai..." he goes quick to grab a pen and a paper to send a message to the village

"Done" he says.
"Now we wait..." you say smirking

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