thirty six.

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         After three long weeks in London and Paris, I was finally back in the United States but I was still far from home

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    After three long weeks in London and Paris, I was finally back in the United States but I was still far from home. I was in Jupiter, Florida to watch one of Giovanni's spring training games against the Cardinals. It was my first time watching a baseball game in person, but also my first time watching him play in real time. I've sat and watched his career highlights on my own time but this would be much different. I'd get a feel of the team's energy, experience adrenaline rushes and see how the crowd reacted.

It was currently the ninth inning and the Mets were ahead by 1 with two players on base 1 and 3. They'd already gotten two outs for the inning so whoever was up next to bat needed to be careful and play his cards right. Giovanni stepped up to bat. He rolled his shoulders a few times, twirled the bat and sunk his feet into the clay. The pitcher stood for a few seconds, preparing himself for the throw then threw a ground pitch.

My attention was taken from the game when my phone rung in my hand. It was Brit with a facetime call. "Are you at the game?"

"Yes, and I just spotted you." I could tell she was walking. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"Um, I did. You never replied." I glanced around to see if I could spot her.

"I broke my personal phone. You know to call my business phone when I don't answer on the personal. But I'll be over there in a minute."

"Alright." I hung up.

I put my attention back on the game just as the pitcher released another ball. This one wasn't a low ball. It was a bit high but speedy. I thought it would fly passed Gio and be a strike ball, but he swung and sent it soaring through the air. The people around me jumped up to see how far it would go and the outfielders sprinted to catch it. It was goner, though. The two players that were already on base made their way home and Gio jogged his home run.

"One thing about Hoffman is that he's amazing at clocking the connection time of a good pitch." a fan said from behind me. "It's a skill man. I'm telling you. Not every player can do that consistently like he can. I'm glad he's back."

Brit stepped in my line of vision in an oversized t-shirt and denim shorts, "Come with me to the bathroom?"

"Yeah." I grabbed my custom MCM backpack from between my legs.

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