(Sinong) Sunod - Urata/Mafumafu

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Do not read if you're uncomfortable with: mentions of blood and self-harm(subtle mention of r*pe)

there's barely any romance here and it'll be a little different from what i usually write


Third Person POV

There was something that always caught his eye.

It started a bit long ago, when he was just an innocent toddler whose mind is filled with his vast creativity and endless imagination. Nothing could possibly enter his mind back then since all he kept babbling about was his various imaginary friends and nearly impossible dreams to his parents and his brother. Mafumafu grew up as a lonely child after all, having no one to play with him or pay attention to him and his nonsense, not even a single friend or his brother was there to keep him company during his childhood.

So he turned to become friends with his own mind, thoughts, and imagination. It wasn't really hard for a lonely child like the albino to have his own ways of coping with his loneliness, since no one else was there to play with him and listen to his endless rambles.

But the older he became, Mafumafu started to despise how pathetic and immature he was back then in his youth. Of course, he was just a child, but who in their right mind would think that having imaginary friends was something to be proud of?

It wasn't just that, he noticed something strange and off-putting among his surroundings. The albino had seen it before as a child, but back then he only thought of it as one of his imaginary friends that always entertained him with uncanny things. Maybe that's the reason why he grew up being seen as a freak— not only by his looks, but also the way he acts.

There was this... shadow, Mafumafu couldn't really put its appearance into words. Having an elongated arch-like shape, or maybe it was something that's wearing a black cloak of some sort. It didn't have a face, only gleaming eyes that stared down at whoever it desires to follow, looming over them behind their backs as their unsuspecting prey would casually live on with their life.

Except that... they wouldn't.

Mafumafu noticed it, how every time he spots the tall entity treading on the heels of his target would turn its gaze away from him and stare daggers at him again when he looks away. It continued to follow someone else though, but he knew that it would always look him whenever his eyes were somewhere else.

He noticed too, that the cloaked monstrosity of his imagination would only follow people he's interacted with once or twice, or those that were really close to him. The next day, it would still follow them, but that next day will surely, and unexpectedly be their last.

The creature would always follow those who are close to death.

But Mafumafu didn't really care.

They were all bound to die at the end anyway, and there's barely anything in the world that won't make you suffer if you choose to pursue through living out your entire lifetime.


He snapped out of his thoughts, feeling a small tug on the sleeves of his sweater from none other than his best friend. Amatsuki gave him a concerned expression, his eyes observing how tired Mafumafu looked just from the dark bags under his dull, crimson eyes. The albino just stared back at him.

"Honestly, do you even sleep? You look like a literal walking corpse at this point." The brunet scolded him, while the younger male only shrugged and looked away from his best friend's eyes.

Obviously  he didn't, since last night was just as terrible as he had expected.

The creature stood there beside his bed, staring down at him. Mafumafu knew that it wasn't because he was going to die the next day, the cloaked monster would always sit by his bed and watch as his nightmares would come back to haunt him in his sleep. It would just stare and shuffle around languidly, as if telling him about the number of souls he had taken throughout the entire day. No words were exchanged between them, but Mafumafu was aware about the creature's intentions.

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