The Soldier Who Carried A Mighty Sword

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Hello, it's me back with another one-shot. Don't forget to leave your requests below and to read the rules I set for making requests. This one-shot will absolutely break your heart, this is one of the only excuses I will accept for the sides behavior towards Roman and Remus. I've had this idea for a while.

Synopsis: Janus feels horribly guilty for upsetting the twins. Remus and Roman are absolutely shocked when they find Janus in his room crying, holding a picture of King Creativity. After finding out how much the others miss the King, the twin's force Thomas to refuse them.
It had been a few hours since the video and the twins knew that they had to talk it out with Janus. Reluctantly Roman walked up to Janus's door and knocked on it. No answer! Remus conjured a hairpin and picked the lock. The creative twins did not expect to see Janus curled up on his bed holding a picture of what looked like the King.


"What do you want Remus, in fact, why are you even here Roman, I hurt you. Gosh, he would kill me if he saw how badly I treated you both."

"Well, I was just gonna apologise for making fun of your name and hoped we could work things out but it appears your not in the mood right now."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Talk about him, look Janus I didn't realise that I reminded you of him."

"Roman, he was so much like you, your correct. Remus, he had your energy and smile. He was full of wonderful ideas."

"Jay, can you tell us about him?"

"How much do you remember?"

"Nothing I just remember passing out and waking up in Logan's room."

"I remember the pain the agony and then waking up in your room."

"Well then, promise me you won't freak out when I confess to you the truth."

"Pinky promise, with a rotten head on a stick."

"Janus, I promise over my life that I will never laugh at you ever again during a vulnerable moment."

"Well, I um, me and Romulus were in love. We dated for two years before he split. Everyone loved Romulus, he was really close with Logan as well."


"Oh my gosh, that makes so much sense now.

"What makes sense Roman?"

"The way you treated me back in the courtroom, you did mean those compliments but it was because I reminded you of him. It makes sense why Logan always clashed with me, now I know why."

"He doesn't mean it in that way Roman, he just really misses him, I really miss him and I truly mean it when I say that I didn't mean to call you both evil. H-he."

Janus collapsed sobbing in Remus's lap. Roman sighed stroking Janus's hair.

"I really am sorry."

"I know."

"Can you tell us more."

"W-well he always used to keep everyone together, thanks to him we dark sides and light sides got along. He was good and bad, he was human. Always looking out for everybody but not himself."

Seeing this made Remus and Roman feel worse. They comforted Janus and tucked him into bed. The twins sunk down and appeared in their usual spot. Thomas flinched almost dropping his video game controller.

"Um hey guys, I wasn't expecting to see you guys again for a while especially you Roman."

"Thomas let's get straight to the point we want you to refuse us back into the King!"


"I'm sorry what?"

"Thomas we're in the way of you learning to live with grey morals. I mean look at me im just a stinky trash man."

"No your not-"

"We are Thomas today I just learnt that I was hurting you instead of helping you. The wedding hurt you and that's on me. You said I wasn't your hero anymore. King was grey you need him."

"I don't want to lose you."

"Thomas I just showed myself to you recently."

"I don't care if I barely know you, Remus, I'm not refusing my creativity just because you think you're hurting me."

"Thomas im sorry but its time to bring him back."

"No Roman."

"You no longer see things as black and white. This is for the best."

"The others don't like us, they need the King to make them feel happy again."

Thomas broke down into tears, he knew they were right but he didn't want the twins to die. He realised that he could always unfuse the King if he wasn't happy. He cried further pulling the twins's into a tight hug.

"Roman, I'm so sorry for ignoring you were insecure and confusing you so much. Janus never lied you are my hero and it's because of you im where I am today. I'm sorry for putting so much pressure on you and never defending you when the others insulted you.
Remus, I'm so sorry for separating you from Roman. You deserved to work on ideas with Roman and not shoved to the side. I'm so sorry for repressing you, being scared of you and casting you to the side. Both of you deserved a host way better than me."

Remus and Roman, we're both in tears. They honestly didn't know-how
to respond to such heartfelt comments from their host. So they stayed quiet and comforted the distressed Thomas.

Janus woke up from his nap when he heard a knock on the door. He held the picture of Romulus close to his heart.

"You may enter."

When he saw Romulus at the door he was in shock and denial. The picture frame immediately fell to the ground and glass shattered everywhere. Romulus smiled politely, snapping away the broken shards of glass.

"Hello, love."
Well, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, thinking about it most of my ideas there mostly Roman centric since he's underrated so if you guys left your prompts below it would really help.

The next one will be another Roman one and it will be full of juicy angst.

Thanks for reading.

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