Pure Imagination

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Hello and welcome back to the book full of one-shots that will make you cry your eyes out. Now the creativitwins are my favourite part of Sander Sides and Thomas may have confirmed the twin's hate each other canonically but we can dream about the twins secretly caring about each other.

This one-shot is going to be pure brotherly love. Enjoy the story

Synopsis: After doing some reflecting Roman thinks it will be easier to be creativity if his brother gets accepted. The sides and Thomas react pretty badly. Remus takes notice and offers Roman the chance to become a dark side.

Tw: Angered sides (They're just confused about how Romans brain works), Angered Thomas, Panic Attack, Arguing.

Insecurity Roman Belongs To Thefoxlotuslady
Roman had spent the past five weeks in his room, not even coming down to eat. He didn't mean to be this rude, he didn't want to avoid the others but he just needed time to think. The creative side was incredibly stressed due to the split causing Roman to get most of the functions of the King.

So many changes on how he should act, who he should, never being good enough no matter how hard he tried. Roman envied his brother, Remus was bold and confident, he played his role perfectly to the point Thomas was scared of him. Roman, however, was the opposite he was supposed to be the bold, charming,  sincere and confident but he didn't act like a Prince. He was narasstic, rude and destructive. In fact now that he thinks about it Remus balances him out, maybe working together with Remus could actually help him.

Remus maybe his so-called "evil" twin
is more worthy of the title of Prince than he ever was. Boy Roman wished he had the confidence and freedom to create what he wanted. A lass the others would never get that freedom. Any time he tried to openly express himself he was shunned.

That's it he would share his responsibilities out with Remus. It would be like the old days before Patton banished the "dark sides" to the dark scape. Guilt showered over the Prince, why did he always need a villain to fight?

Most importantly why did he feel so insecure? He was supposed to be the good twin, the fanciful one, the ego. Pft when he tries to act like the ego he just ends up upsetting others.

A familiar tug spun him out of his daydream, he rose up in his usual princey manner. Everyone seemed unhappy to see him. Patton lowered his head, Janus and Virgil were scowling at him whilst Logan kept his usual cold face.

"You're unfashionably late Roman, how did the sulking go."

"Shut it snake!"

"Ki-Roman be nice."

Roman stayed silent after that desperate to not be dismissed once again. Little did he know Remus was listening in to the conversation making sure his presence wasn't known. Logan was just frustrated that Roman wasn't contributing, normally he would prefer Roman's silence but this was his area of expertise.

"Hmm, I find it highly peculiar that you haven't said anything considering your the one who helps Thomas with acting. Thomas, would you please tell Roman the problem."

"Roman, I really want to audition for a horror movie, I just felt like I wanted to do something different."

"Hate to break it to you Thomas but that's not my area of expertise."

"What do you mean Roman you literally handle my career?"

"Thomas as Logan previously mentioned the duke is my twin, the dark side of creativity, im the embodiment of your less extreme imagination, horror is literally his expertise."

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