We're One In The Same (Logince)

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Hello and welcome back to another one-shot. This one hopefully won't hurt you as much. As it's time for some Logince hurt comfort, it's about these two stop being mean to each other and be like wait we both have the same problem and are escalating each others problems by not listening to each other. I mean Roman at least deserves one friend after putting others first and if anyone will understand how he feels it will be Logan. Both have been shoved to the side and ignored by Thomas and Patton. Yeah, Patton is really gonna have to earn his friendship with Roman and Logan back. It's okay to try to understand other sides Patt but maybe don't shove Roman and Logan to the side to do that.
We Stans must unite
Anyway on with the story

Synopsis: Roman sinks out feeling horribly guilty. Maybe Janus is right, he is the villain all he does it hurt people. The Prince knew Patton would integrate him so he decides to try to make things right with Logan. He only hopes Logan forgives him even if he doesn't deserve it. Logan chats with him and the two have a long conversation releasing their similar then they thought.

Tw: Self Loathing, Anxiety Attack, Low Self Esteem, Patton and Janus in a negative light (It's from Roman and Logan's perspective so it's bound to happen)
Roman panicked as soon as he sunk down he wasn't ready to be confronted by Patton, he wasn't ready to be lectured for repeating the same mistake twice scratch that it was actually three times. He made Logan feel unloved and constantly ignored him, made Virgil feel like he wasn't good enough to the point he had to duck out to prove his worth and finally mocked Janus, pushed away a potential friendship.

The prince's breathing was getting heavier, he wasn't a hero, he was a full-blown evil narcissist who made others miserable. Remus wouldn't appreciate the intrusion he would just revel in the situation, Virgil definitely wouldn't want to see him, he'd be on Janus's side, lecturing Roman for being such a jerk. That left Logan, with the other two eliminated, he had no choice, sure Logan would be just as frustrated since he ignored him and didn't even take the time to listen to his comments.

Roman reluctantly sunk into Logan's room, which was surprisingly not locked. He curled up into a ball and began panicking more. Tears fell down his face and he couldn't breathe at all. The Prince kept rocking back and forth.

Meanwhile, Logan was returning from the kitchen to get some coffee and chocolate biscuits. He deserved some treats after such a rough day. Not only had Roman and Patton refused to listen to him but Deceit had managed to replace him. After making his final statement the only part of the conversation he bothered to tune into was Deceits name reveal. He was jealous of Janus so after the name was revealed he tuned out of the conversation. I mean it seemed Janus had replaced him permanently so why even bother.

Logan almost dropped his mug in absolute shock when he saw Roman curled up into a ball. The teacher had never seen Roman act like this before, Roman was always confident and bold. Whatever happened up there must have really upset Roman, Logan remembered how weird Roman was acting up there and that the Prince only gave his opinion when asked.
He gently placed his mug and biscuits on the table before carefully walking over to Roman, he didn't want to amplify the Prince's panic attack. However, as soon as the Prince saw Logan he grew immediately more panicked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry- I-I-"

"Roman, can you hear me?"

Roman looked up and nodded, Logan slowly sat down in front of Roman careful to not scare him further, the prince may have upset him but he couldn't leave him like this.

"Ok Roman, now im going to need you to name me five things you can see."

"Th-wall- the-"

Roman choked

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