Keep Breathing

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Hello, and we are back with another one-shot. I've never written an age regression fanfiction so let me know if I portrayed it okay. The idea came to me whilst roleplaying. Also, I haven't written hurt/comfort in quite a while. If you are uncomfortable with soft Remus please turn away as he is the caregiver in this one. Please note that Roman will regress physically and mentally. Short but sweet and I hope you enjoy the nice creativitwins fluff.

Synopsis: After pof Roman is stressing himself out by thinking he has to fix his mistakes and prove to Thomas he's worthy of being a light side. After seeing the events of pof unfold, Remus is peeved so he goes to his brother and helps him relax understanding how stressful the wedding was for him.

Tw: Severe Stress, Breakdown, Overworking, Soft Remus, Mild Graphic Description
Roman regressed a lot but he kept it a secret from the lightsides's due to them sometimes being the cause. He couldn't help it, the prince was often stressed and did not look after himself. Before the division, Remus had been his caregiver and that continued but with Remus having to sneak into the light side area instead of being welcome. The twins had their up and downs but most of the time Remus would be there when Roman needed him.

That had lead to today, Roman could feel that anger and stress build up after the wedding but things were made even worse by the discussion and Deceits appearance. Not only was he wrong about the wedding, but Deceit was also apparently a good guy now and the way Roman had been manipulated by him had been a wholesome prank. It eventually got to the point where De-Janus revealed his name and Roman laughed. Once he saw the shame on his friend's faces fear and regret built-in his stomach.
Thomas hated him now to add onto it, he was lashing out further trying to explain his hurt when Patton interrupted him.

"Roman, everything's going to be ok kiddo."


Roman sunk out before anyone could respond. The princely side rose up into his room, rushing to his desk. If Thomas thought he was evil, he would prove that he was quite the opposite
Conjuring a quill, Roman immediately began writing a new piece of work for Thomas.

Meanwhile, Remus was watching the events of the episode and the more he saw Roman dramatically lashing out the more he got worried but he stayed. That however changed when Janus revealed his name, Roman laughed and then Janus responded in the worst possible way. Remus was angry but he'd talk to Patton, Janus and Thomas another time.

Remus took a deep breath and sunk down into Roman's room. Roman was sat slumped in his chair, tears streaming down his face as he continued to try come up with ideas. The prince was mumbling to himself.

"Stupid, villain, pathetic, evil."


"Stupid, villain, pathetic, e-"


Roman fell back from his chair and onto the floor. He turned to his brother having a look of worry on his face. Remus and Janus are best friends but little did he know Remus understood both parties.

"Remus I swear by medusa's beard if you sneak up on me again I'll-I'll-"

"What play with my organs?

"Ew gross."

"Yep, that's me and definitely not you."

"So you saw?"

"Pft, of course, you forget im a part of good old Tomathy too. Plus it's not like im now left alone with orange."

"Ah, I forgot about that."

"Of course you did, you're more scared that Janus will try to make you his puppet again or worst one of the others."

"Yeah of course but if all of you get reformed it means-"

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