Roman's Room Part 2

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Hello Reader, we are finally back with the second part. If you want to read the first part to recap it's chapter 16. Now I have to say this took me ages as I had to plan out each scene with great detail and care. Like if I didn't plan this it would have been really bad so let me know if you liked the structure. I tried my best not to copy accepting anxiety and yes I head cannon Logan literally makes sure none of the other sides duck out because he knew after Virgil, the damage it did. P.s I promise I'm not a heavy Logince shipper lol.

Synopsis: The journey to saving Roman continues when they enter his Room. Can they stop Romans self loathing and convince him to return? Find out.
Tw: Self loathing, ducking out

The sides and Thomas rose up to a horrible sight, the room once full of colour was monochrome and the once neatly organised room covered in playbills and Disney posters were peeling down. Virgil rose up uncomfortable at the decaying Hamilton poster.

"Ok, you know somethings up with Princey when his Hamilton poster is damaged."

Patton was heartbroken seeing the FamILY photo smashed. The fatherly side instantly tried to change the subject.

"I'm glad we're back to normal."

"Same, I totally liked being a dreamer."

"Patton, Janus I appreciate your glad to be back to normal but we clearly have more pressing matters at hand."

"Like how I need to get out of this ugly costume."

"Whites not a bad colour on you!"

"Shut it angsty pants."

"Pft Roman could do-"

"As I was saying, I suggest we look for Roman. Thomas, is your self-esteem ok?"


"Good that means, he's here and we're not too late."

"Logan, is Romans's room normally this dull?"

"Of course not but due to Roman handing off his functions, it's affecting his room."

"Ok, this is really bad I just hope-"


Everyone screamed when Roman appeared in his usual spot, the sides and Thomas we're absolutely shocked when they saw the Prince's appearance. Roman almost looked exactly like he had in Virgil's room apart from the fact that he was completely monochrome? Remus snarled.

"Roman Creativity Sanders if you don't change me back this instant I will-"

"What Remus is trying to say kiddo is that you need to come home."

"Wow, should have said that months ago."

"Roman you cannot be mad when I only managed to get the others to listen to me as I knew something was wrong but they didn't listen and may I add it seemed you wanted us to not find out or effect Thomas. Please, you think your the only one that doesn't feel listened to."

"I'm too tired just let it happen."

"Let what happen?"

"It doesn't matter Thomas, leave."

"I'm not going to do that Roman, you are clearly upset after all this-"

"No shish Sherlock, I've been dropping hints for months and you only notice after I disappear, it just confirms im not wanted."

"No Roman please-"

"I'm not-"

Roman dropped to the ground in pain, he was glitching and for a moment his hand turned translucent. The sides tried to their best to muffle their scream of horror. Janus was the most shocked, he knew this was his fault but in a way Romans too for being dishonest about his struggles.

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