Roman's Room Part 1

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Hello and welcome to Roman Angst that doesn't feature Roman in the first part. So yeah this is just going to be my interpretation of why the sides have to go to Roman's Room. Don't worry I have plenty of theories until COVID dies and allows Thomas to film major videos. Other people have done it so I thought I'd have a go at it. So if Roman were to duck out this is how I'd write it so it doesn't mirror accepting anxiety.

Synopsis: It's been over a month since pof and despite taking Janus's advice Thomas hasn't been doing well. Roman decided to duck out handing his traits to the others whilst leaving Logan with none of his traits. However, Detective Logan after a month and a discussion finally figured out the problem. After the wedding, Roman secretly ducked out handing out all of his traits accept the trait of the ego. The most important question is will the sides let Logan help.

Tw: Self Loathing, Pulling Hair, Ducking Out, Shouting, Angry Logan
It had been two weeks since the messy disaster that was the wedding. Roman had been reflecting on the words Janus had told him. Apparently, he was the cause of Thomas's pain his stupid stubbornness of wanting validation only made things worse. His noble sacrifice meant nothing, instead of being the hero he was the villain.

He had been wrong about everything, it's not that bad Anxiety ducked out wrong, maybe we should get back with Thomas ex wrong, Thomas should dream big wrong, movie star a job wrong, his carol he wrote to make Virgil feel included wrong, hey let's hear Deceit out, call back wrong, wedding wrong, Deceit is the villain wrong.

Roman hadn't eaten or slept since the wedding. He just laid on his bed reflecting about all the stuff he had done wrong. Why would the subconscious allow such a broken worthless side to exist? He'd done more damage than good, welp at least he felt the pain Virgil once felt.

That's it!

He was causing everyone so much pain so if he ducked out everyone would stop hurting. If he left everyone would be happier and Thomas wouldn't have a useless pathetic broken side. Roman recapped the events of Virgil ducking out.


They had gotten Virgil back after convincing him that he mattered. Roman didn't want to be saved. Thomas hated him and he was fed up of Thomas lying straight to his face all of the time. A realisation struck Roman harder than a rock. They were only able to save Virgil because he hadn't handed out his traits. That settled it Roman would hand out his traits, he wasn't worthy of them and if he didn't hand them out he'd hurt Thomas more.

Roman concentrated hardly summoning his aura. This aura represented his burning passion and what made him well Roman. The creative side thought about who he should give his traits too.


Virgil wasn't a very passionate side, perhaps having the role of passion would help him express himself more. Perhaps the Anxious side would finally stop doubting himself. Virgil had a strong love for Disney. So Roman thought he wouldn't mind embodying Thomas's passion for Disney, movies, tv shows and theatre.
Virgil was far more worthy of passion than he ever was. That settled it Virgil would get his passion. Roman concentrated and felt his passion be ripped away from him the magic turned from a bright red to a dark purple.

"Passion, Virgil Sanders is now responsible for you."

And with that, the purple magic speed out of the door eager to find his new host.


Roman was supposed to be the romantic being the romantic side also meant being kind and accepting of everyone but he was the opposite. Patton was the first one to accept the dark sides. He was loving to Virgil when he first appeared and always strove to make everyone happy. Patton was way suited to love a romance, he was the one holding back Thomas after the breakup, not Patton as Logan had so harshly claimed. Patton was accepting of everyone whereas Roman was cold-hearted and didn't even give the others a chance. He concentrated hard feeling his romantic aura be ripped away from him.

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