You Did That To Me

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Okay so um does anybody want some King Creativity Angst. It just came to me what if the King randomly shows up and freaks out really badly that he's fused together again. If you have any requests please let me know.

Synopsis: The King wakes up in the imagination terrified. He walks around the imagination seeing that everything has changed. After gaining Roman and Remus's memories he decides to visit Thomas and the other sides. How will they react?

Tw: Character Death Implied, One-Sided King, bitter Dragon Witch and Bible analogy.
The King woke up with a startle he was surprised. Where was he? He figured that he was in the imagination but it looked completely different his once whole kingdom had seemed to split into two. He checked his memories trying to recall how he had gotten here. Wait! Morality had promised him that it was for Thomas's own good. The last thing he remembered was morality splitting him into two. Had it failed? So many questions ran through his mind. He curled up into a ball, Romulus was feeling super anxious.

The Dragon Witch was in absolute shock when she saw the King curled up in a ball. She cleared her throat and made her way over to the panicked creative side.

"D-dragon witch?"

"It's ok Romulus breath in and out, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Morality forcing me to split, he said it was for the best."

"Well you're highness it's been twenty years since you split?"


"Shh, you need to remain, calm love, you see I think your split half's decided to refuse back into you."


"Well, the so-called light sides must have upset both of them."

"What were there names?"

"Well, you had Prince Roman, he was so much like you but he would be crushed under the stress to act perfectly whilst your other half Duke Remus was your extreme side, he was your intrusive thoughts but deep down he had a heart."

"They sounded like very nice sides, why did they refuse?"

"That I cannot answer but I can answer this, both brothers had their own struggles, Roman was super insecure and Remus he felt like an outcast."

"Well, the others did seem to hate my scary antics. Wait if Roman was my good side then why was he so insecure?"

"Roman inherited most of your functions and he couldn't cope with the stress. Every day after he'd had a talk with Thomas he would rant about the other sides and how much pressure they put on him. After anxiety was accepted he cried in my arms screaming about how much the fans hated him."


"Boy, I have an idea Romulus how about I give you a tour of the imagination before we remodel it aye."

"I would like that very much. Um before we go can I ask a question."

"Do you think, if the others see me they'll unfuse me."

"Oh, Romulus, unfortunately, they'll go through the five stages of grief. It's their fault though, the others are probably the reason you refused."

"You know what, I would at least like there memories, it would help me feel a little less confused."

"Okay, Romulus but I warn you, they won't be pretty."

"I know but there still me and I don't want to forget twenty years of my life."

"Understandable and remember what you choose to do with the knowledge you will receive is up to you."

"Okay, so may you take me, around the two Kingdoms before I merge the two together."

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