Burn (Part 1)

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Hello, everyone, I'm back with another one-shot that will make you cry. This one will be especially distressing for you if you've seen Hamilton you know Eliza burns her letters. Well, Roman is going full Eliza Hamilton and doing something even worse. Say bye, bye to Roman's Prince Costume, Room and his side of the imagination. You are all going to be so mad at me for this heavy angst but I don't care. Bring tissues and enjoy reading. P.s this will be split into two parts.

Synopsis: After the video Roman decides that if he's the one hurting Thomas and if he's the bad guy he should destroy everything he's ever created. If he's not good enough then his creation's aren't. Remus finds Roman after hours of searching and let's say it's not good.

Tw: Heavy Angst, Self Harm, Fire, Implied Suicidal Thoughts, Heavily Injured Roman.
Roman laughed, he thought the others wanted him too. He smirked spitting the back as if it was venom. The creative side didn't mean it, he was scared and he wanted to make the others happy.

"Pft Janus? What are you a middle school librarian? It's a stupid name."

Romans demeanour quickly changed when he saw the disappointed expressions on Thomas and Patton's faces. Why? He thought they wanted him to side against Janus it was apparently wrong last time to trust him. Before he could even mutter an apology Janus responded back quickly.

"Roman, thank gosh you don't have a moustache. Otherwise, between you and Remus I wouldn't know who the evil twin is."

Fire burned in Roman's heart at such a rock punching come back. He should have seen it coming especially since he didn't keep his ugly mouth shut. What hurt, even more, was that Patton and Thomas didn't even say a word they just looked down sad. It stung like heck that his host and someone who was like a father to him would dare betray him like this. Sure he was a jerk but that come back hurt like heck. He tried his best to hold back his tears.

"Are you guys seriously gonna take his side?"

"No, I-"

"Over me?"


"Thomas... I thought I was your hero."

"Y-you are."

Roman looked over to Janus for confirmation to see if Thomas had been indeed lying this whole time.
When Janus nodded back it was all the confirmation he needed. Thomas didn't like Roman he just thought that he was a selfish, narcissistic jerk.

"Wow. I can't believe this. Did you forget that he's evil?! You're not! Or you're not supposed to be; you're supposed to be good! You can't-"

"Roman, everything's gonna be ok kiddo, we love you."


Roman sunk out, he was fed up of the bitter lies being told to his face. Nobody loved him, not Thomas, not Patton, not his brother, not the other sides, not even the fans loved him. He let out a high scream choking on his tears, with all his strength he pulled off his sash and threw it to the side. He then looked in the mirror staring at his beloved Prince costume. He threw off the costume and put it next to his stupid sash. All that was left was his black undergarment and plain black trousers.

He was very lucky as he was one of the few sides who had a fireplace. Roman grabbed the stupid creation he had once adored and threw it in the fireplace. Patton was the one who had said your good come with us and guess what Patton could be wrong. Roman was evil and he should have been with the others from the beginning Janus recognised it and Thomas must have agreed especially since he didn't come to his defence. Roman was Charity Barnum he had blindly followed the father figure side sacrificing everything and getting nothing in return. No! He was Eliza Hamilton, she had trusted a man full of ambition and her heart was shattered into million pieces in return. A familiar knock broke him from his thoughts.

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