Roman's Playlist

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So back to your regular schedule of Roman Angst. Sorry its everywhere after the latest episode, deal with it, we're not gonna get a proper conclusion till the finale next year.

Well, this one-shot is inspired by an angst playlist I made for Roman. I mean songs like Silent Scream by Anna Blue really scream (no pun intended) Roman to me. Enjoy the one-shot it's basically the sides releasing that Roman is not ok by listening to his "updated" playlist.

Synopsis: Roman is fed up of the others ignoring the signs that he's insecure and confused especially after the latest episode. So he decides to hide in the imagination and change his playlist to hint to the other sides and the fandom about how he's really feeling.

No trigger warnings but yes I know Roman was wrong but he needs some love. Enjoy!
Roman sunk out feeling tired more than betrayed. Every single time he'd tried to explain how he was feeling it was ignored and shoved to the side. However, he knew Logan's method of repression wasn't healthy. He realised that Patton would immediately interrogate him after being so rude to Janus. Roman wouldn't be able to cry in his room without Patton bursting in to disturb him so he walked over to the shimmering mirror. The creative side took a deep breath before entering the imagination.

Romans side of the imagination was gorgeous. The kingdom had gorgeous golden flowers and mystical creatures. No Disney themes, no musical theatre. Just a gorgeous kingdom inspired by the medieval times. This was a world of escapism, a world where Roman was actually appreciated for what he did.

The castle was more Disney themed, of course. Some would even be able to mistake it as the castle at Disneyland if it wasn't for the beautiful colours of gold and red. The inside was also red and gold. He quickly entered his true room. Roman never liked staying in his own room, he had no privacy especially since it was near the entrance to the dark scape.  Roman shut the door, locked it before sitting on his bed.

Tears began streaming down his face and ruining his make up. The nearly washed away make up revealed bags that could rival Virgil's eye shadow.
He took a deep breath and sighed. Fanders ignored his problems and he knew they'd take Janus's side not bothering to think about why Roman acted the way he did.

A sudden idea struck Roman's head, the sides may not want him back after screwing up for the last time but he could send them a message. He summoned his phone and went onto Spotify. His playlist the one thing that was left for fans to theories. Unfortunately, fans didn't pay attention to it as much as Logans. The fans knew Logan was struggling but they thought he was just an unsympathetic jerk. If he just changed his playlist to how he was really feeling then everyone would notice that he hadn't been fine sc- since the courtroom and even before that with Logan's stupid chart.

He looked through Spotify and found the sad songs that spoke with him the most. Roman was getting to the end of his "new" playlist and almost cried when he found the song for the live-action Aladdin. Speechless felt like an awesome power ballad where Jasmine finally stood up for herself and explained how she wouldn't let anyone silence her opinion. Boy, he wished he could do that.

At last, he had finally created a playlist showing how he was really feeling. Roman smiled listening to the angsty lyrics. He closed his eyes listening to the lyrics of Silent Scream by Anna Blue. For the first time in weeks, Roman fell asleep.

Time Skip Sponsored By Patton Being Oblivious.

Patton began humming trying his best to cook pancakes for the rest of the sides. Roman was probably still sulking in his room so he knew that he'd have to do it himself. Virgil came downstairs not even daring to make eye contact with him, Logan also came down ignoring both Patton and Virgil. Janus walked downstairs uncomfortably. The cold glares from Virgil and Logan made him feel unwelcome, however, Patton took note and gave Janus the first pancake.

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