Little Butterfly

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Hello, have some more Roman Angst since there's clearly not enough to go around. Now please respect my opinion on Romans animal form being a butterfly. I know this is a theory that nobody thinks is true but I think it suits him in my opinion. So please respect that as I don't appreciate hate. I just want to write angst where Roman turns into his animal form because he's stressed out and anxious. Like seriously im surprised Roman managed to repress and didn't glitch like Patton. Plus imagine Romans animal being a weak prey because of how insecure he is.

Synopsis: All of the sides had an animal form that they turned into. Roman immediately sunk out after that horrible conversation with Patton, Janus and Thomas. If anyone knew that his animal form was, a butterfly he would be completely humiliated. Unfortunately for him, a certain Duke manages to catch the shrinking Prince.

Tw: Self Loathing, Shrinking, Heavy Angst, Remus being a good brother. Angered Virgil. (Virge is not happy with Janus, Thomas and Patton)
Roman had been suffering from so much stress lately, he really didn't want to go to the wedding and after the wedding, he felt even more guilty for making Thomas unhappy. It was a normal video, Roman was frustrated that he didn't compromise or take any of his suggestions. Everything was fine he'd managed to stop himself from glitching, to stop himself from becoming his animal form but then the snake showed up and ruined everything.

And now he had made the stupidest decision ever. Roman laughed at Janus's name. He just wanted to please Patton and Thomas but they looked away. His smirk fell quickly. Eventually, Roman's world forever crumble after one comment.

"Roman, thank gosh you don't have a moustache. Otherwise, between you and Remus, I wouldn't know who the evil twin is."

Roman couldn't hold it back anymore he just wanted to transform but he would be made fun of even more for his animal form. Panic struck him as he was consumed by silent. Did Thomas and Patton really think he was evil?

"Are you seriously going to take his side?"

"No, I-"

"Over me?"


"Thomas, I thought I was your hero."

"Y-you are."
Roman turned to Janus, he had to know if Thomas really agreed with Janus that was he evil. Janus nodded, he felt himself shrink a tad. Thomas really was lying. He tried to hold back his tears.

"Wow. I can't believe this. Did you forget that he's evil?! You're not! Or you're not supposed to be; you're supposed to be good! You can't-"

"Roman. Everything's gonna be okay. We love you."

Panic struck he could feel himself slipping, his insecurities consuming him.


Roman sunk out into the mind palace commons. The mind palace commons were luckily empty. He was about to head to his room when he suddenly noticed antennas sticking out of his head.


The Prince had become too overwhelmed. Roman began panicking what triggered his transformation into his animal form was becoming too overwhelmed, stressed or when he felt insecure. Right now he was feeling all three. Roman immediately fell over due to his clothes becoming oversized.


Roman had to get to his room fast, if he didn't make it to his room he would be caught mid-transformation and he would be made fun of by the others for having such a weak animal form. He panicked as he noticed the room getting bigger and bigger.

The door nob slowly turned open.


Remus came burst through the door and his eyes immediately looked down on the shrinking Prince. His face softened.

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