Seperation Anxiety

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Hello and welcome back, this time I proudly present to you unrealistic Remus angst. People keep saying the moustache comment and Janus leaving wouldn't accepting but please can I be allowed to dream.

I feel super bad for Remus first Virgil leaves and then Janus just leaves and uses him to upset. Remus wouldn't be that hurt by the comment but come guys Janus has somewhat used Remus for his schemes. First, he literally used Remus to try to convince Thomas no one is perfect and then literally used Remus as an insult to upset Roman.

Janus, I know you feel guilty but grrr I just wish he would apologise to both creativitwins and that Roman apologised to Janus. Anyway, on with the story.

Synopsis: Remus's worst fear is being left alone. Virgil and Roman had left him, he didn't want another side abandoning him. He couldn't be stuck with Orange he was worse than him, luckily after the video Roman as usual focuses on helping others instead of himself. After years of being apart, the brothers realise it's time to reconcile.
Tw: Extreme Intrusive Thoughts, Negativity, Low Self Esteem, violence.
Roman sunk out feeling bitter and frustrated. He didn't want Janus being accepted because that would mean Remus would be all alone. The tragic truth was his brother wouldn't be able to get accepted because he knew Thomas would never come to terms with his intrusive thoughts, Remus would have to change to get accepted and Roman knew that Remus wouldn't force himself to change for validation.


A spark lit in Romans head, he realised that Remus had probably seen the video. Without a single thought, the Prince sunk out into Remus's room, ignoring the dark voices in his head telling him to splatter the wallpaper in blood.

Remus was on the floor curled up in a ball, tears streaming down his face. As soon as he saw his brother enter his room he instantly grabbed his mourning star pointing it at Romans' throat.

"Ooo what you doing here, do you want to bash me in with a mace or bash the roman lettuce's skull. Here to-"


"Here to rub it in that Janus has joined the abandon me, squad, here to watch me slowly decay into ashes, here too-"


"Why are you here brother, shouldn't you be celebrating as you have a new friend, you can't save everyone brother bear. Thomas will never want me."

"Rem im here because im worried I tried to stop him but he-he got accepted."

"I'm not surprised, I knew Jannie would get bored of me eventually. I mean first, you shut me out and let Patton banish us just because you wanted to be a stupid little perfect prince, then Virgil leaves because I apparently did him wrong and now Janus has finally gotten fed up of me. Congratulations you were the first to leave me and now the others have followed.

Roman sighed biting his lip. He tried his best to hide his emotions. However, he was wrong he wasn't good enough for Patton, he was evil he should have gone with the others. He remembered Janus's name reveal and decided to mock it by putting his hand out. The prince wanted to prove to Remus that he wasn't lying.

"Remus Creativity Sanders, when I tell you this it is out of pure honesty. When you knocked me out you struck me with a realisation. I realised that I needed you, without you, I am just plain old creativity but if I work with you, we can do incredible things. You make me complete. Abandoning you was the worst mistake I ever made and im so so so sorry. Your right I'm just a stupid arrogant jerk who only thinks about himself. I feel so bad for hurting you. I promise to never ever abandon you again, we're brothers after all."

Remus stood silent, he wanted to deny that his brother didn't mean it but he couldn't deny the honesty in his voice. However, he realised that his brother was being his usual selfless self and focusing on someone else instead of himself.

"Ro bro, I know he upset you too, both of you were wrong but he is right about self-care. Now that I have you with me I'll be ok because im not alone but he-he basically called you replaceable that's got to have affected you badly."

"I'm fine Remus."

"I don't need to be Janus to know that was a blatantly obvious lie."

Roman sighed he eventually realised that there was no repressing it anymore. He was heartbroken and he couldn't deny it. So he let it all out, tears streamed down his face, Remus also softened and began crying. The Duke pulled his brother into a tight hug.

"I'm never good enough am I?"

"Screw what they think Roman, you are good enough. You always put others first. Janus is right it's time to look after yourself for a change."

"Yeah, he's right, how about we have some hot chocolate and watch Disney's Descendants."

"Of course bro."

The two brothers smiled happily sipping their cups of hot chocolate whilst watching Disney's Descendants. Things may not be perfect but the brothers were back together and nothing was ever gonna separate them again.

The End
Sorry that it was short I just thought it would be nice to do a quicky angsty fluff one-shot that didn't have 2,000 words.  I really am enjoying writing these one-shots.

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