3) The Staffroom

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It has been 4 months since we were hired to be as teachers at Apgujeong High School. Yes, the interviews flew by like a breeze. It was easy, for that we finally caught up with the other girls.
Every month we meet up once whenever we were free, this time they were the ones to treat us.
"Congratulations on surviving four months in High School, I'm surprised they haven't ripped you into shreds." Dahyun laughed and poured everyone a glass of wine.

"I'm surprised you haven't dropped out." Jeongyeon joked, I nudged her elbow and shook my head in disbelief.
"I'm surprised I haven't dropped out, but with everyone here I'm reassured." Chaeyoung smiled.
"Of course you are, you and Mina plan on getting married after University." Tzuyu joined in.

To our ears that sounded pretty remarkable, I wondered who asked who first?
"You're planning to get married?" Jihyo asked.
"Yes, don't know where yet." Mina answered.
I was quite happy for the future newly weds, and when we cheered for their future marriage, all of them went silent.

"What's wrong?" I asked.
They shrugged their shoulders and kept drinking.
"Don't tell me... are you all planning to get married after University?" Jeongyeon asked in shocked.
One by one I saw them smirk, they were really sneaky.

"Ah of course." Jihyo sighed.
They all laughed and then eyed over to me and Jeongyeon.
"So..." Momo smirked, "When is your wedding?"
They all leaned forward, even Jihyo who only did it to tease us.
"W-Wedding?" I spoke and turned away from everyone.
"You know, maybe you wanna step things up, maybe..." Sana chuckled to herself.

"Okay there tiger calm down, we've just settled into our new teaching positions; we need time." Jeongyeon smiled and put her arms around me.
"I guess that settles it, no marriage yet." Jihyo kept sipping her wine.
"True, but what about you?" Chaeyoung turned to her.
"Me?" Jihyo raised her voice.

I saw what Chaeyoung was trying to get out of her.
"What she means Jihyo is that you've put up with all of our relationship for two years and yet you haven't found yourself anyone yet." I said with a grin on my face.
"Cause I care more about my grades than relationships." Jihyo scoffed.

"You never know you could meet someone, Miss Vice-Principal." Tzuyu smiled.
"I'm not just that, I'm also a History teacher." Jihyo added.
I knew that Jihyo wouldn't give in our advices, she was strong and independent the only way she did it was by her own hard work. She had no time to meddle around.

When the night started to get exciting, it was soon our end of meet-up.
"Next time, next month?" Mina said.
"Of course, this time one of you is paying it." Jeongyeon laughed as the others separated.
Of course, we had to wake up for school, this time were on the opposite end, the teachers of Apgujeong High School.
Jeongyeon as a PE teacher, Jihyo as a History teacher and a Vice-Principal and me, an English teacher.
The day after went quick, it was already lunch so we usually meet around the Staffroom were the teachers were away from the students.
It was also another way to gossip just like old times.

Jeongyeon and I always took the space near the coffee machine, it was to keep refilling.
"Where's Jihyo?" I asked.
"She said she's with Mr Oh, he apparently needed her right away." Jeongyeon answered and kept sipping from her mug.
Of course the Principal needed Jihyo, to be honest I think he's overworking her too much, she's always being assigned to do the work for him.
But that's why she was picked, she would do anything to help.

Then, from the window I saw the Mr Oh with Jihyo and another person by their side.
The teachers switched themselves into formality and fixed themselves.
Jeongyeon and I watched as they walked into the room.

"Afternoon all, I'm glad some of you are here." Mr Oh greeted us with a smile.
"I would like you to meet our new Dance teacher."
There a man with a simple grey blazer and trousers, his hair fixed to one side. He looked quite stunning I even saw some of the female teachers gushing.

"Introduce yourself."
"Hello everyone, I'm Kang Daniel."
Everyone in the room smiled and greeted him as Mr Oh went around to each teacher, all but one.

I noticed that Jeongyeon clenched her fist and stared right at him.
What's happening?

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