9) Intresting Individual

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It was Saturday and you couldn't have known how much I needed to be away from work, the students kept bickering and the two days of the weekend where you can recover is mending me. The time was 11:45 am and Jihyo was out at the farmer's market, she's trying out to cook for us instead of ordering takeout.

"Yo, where's Park?" Jeongyeon looked quite smug.
"You really speak un-highly of her when she's not here." I rolled my eyes.
"It's the only time I can freely insult her without getting caught."
"I don't know if you secretly hate her or you're joking." I said.
She smiled, "Of course I'm joking, but don't tell her what I said before."
I promised that I won't tell Jihyo, only if Jeongyeon stop try to piss me off.

I heard talking from the front door, two distinct voices.
"Who did she bring back?" Jeongyeon huffed and we both stood near the door.
The fact was, I knew who's voice it was. Kang Daniel.
When the door opened, the commotion stopped; both Jihyo and Daniel smiled as well as me, expect Jeongyeon.

Her expression dropped into a stern look.
"Hey sorry I'm back late, but I saw Daniel at the market and invited him over." Jihyo said.
"Nice to meet you all again." He bowed.
"I'm glad you're here." I greeted and smiled.
"Turns our I'm going to have cooking tips from him. So he's helping with lunch and maybe dinner."
They both went into kitchen.

I was really concerned with Jeongyeon who kept glaring at Daniel.
At that time I didn't take that much notice, but I kept an eye on the both of them.
I stayed in the living room with Jeongyeon sitting beside me, I could feel a weird presence. When Daniel came and sat down on the opposite side of us, that's when it felt so tense.
He smiled at me, "Weird that I see Jihyo at the market and you at the groceries and park."
"Wait, you met him at the park?" Jeongyeon asked.
I nodded, "I needed some fresh air remember. He just saw me."

"You never told me that." Jeongyeon folded her arms.
"Well maybe she forgot, or she didn't want to." Daniel smirked and once again Jeongyeon became quite angry.
"Well she's my girlfriend, so I don't know why you're getting yourself in this business." She growled.
I kept out of what's happening.
Luckily, Jihyo stepped in.

"Hey, this is suppose to be a good night. Can we all be neutral."
"Fine." They both said in unison.
"It was some friendly banter." He smirked and went back into the kitchen.
Jeongyeon clenched both of her fists and took a large deep breath.

And throughout the night, everything seemed weird.
When they finished preparing the dinner, we sat at the dining table perfect for the four of us. You could already guess that I was sitting next to Jeongyeon whilst Jihyo and Daniel sat opposite us.
A few minutes in and I already started to feel uncomfortable, I even think that Jihyo noticed it.

Daniel kept eyeing on Jeongyeon really uncanny, it felt as if he was seducing her. On the other hand, Jeongyeon's stare onto Daniel was more menacing, she gripped her utensils hard.
"Is something wrong?" Daniel scoffed.
Then, a slam came from the table, we all stopped as Jeongyeon stood up from the table. That's when I knew everything was about to go out of control.

"If you have a problem with me then say it to my face!" She growled.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He looked shocked.
"Don't play with me! I know why you're here!" Jeongyeon was about to pounce onto him.
"Hey! Let's not do this now." Jihyo told her, but she didn't listen.
"You think I don't remember?! I'll never forgive you for that day—!"
I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside our room.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed.
She kept silent and hung her head low.
"What do you mean... about that day?"
"It doesn't involve with you." She said coldly.
"Then tell me how I can help, I'm sure you don't want to share your history. But let me get you through it." I insisted, I wanted to help. I saw her sad eyes and couldn't help just to emphasise with her. I felt gutted.

"Just stay with me, I'll tell you about all of this sooner or later." She wrapped her arms around my neck.
I slightly nodded, "Let me know when you're ready."
I went out into the living room and saw that Daniel was gone. Jihyo talked over with him and apologised on Jeongyeon's behalf.
"Is Jeongyeon okay?" Jihyo asked.
"Yeah, just a bit tense."
We both nodded.
"They sure have some history, is it bad that I'm quite interested?" Jihyo smirked.
I couldn't blame her, I was invested into this situation.
I sighed and laughed at her.

"At least you can see they have no feelings for each other." She chuckled.
"I—... I don't know if I should be relieved or not."
She put her arm around my neck, "This whole thing will blow over. They need to grow up if they want to fix this."
"That's true." I felt a bit more assured.

Yet that thought of what Jeongyeon said... I'll never forgive you for that day...

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