2) Ministry of Education

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10 weeks after our graduation, we finally got ourselves a house for the three of us to live in, thankfully it wasn't too big only just about two bedrooms and normal furnishing.
We moved our boxes into the living room, I sat down on a soft green couch which looked quite old.
The house wasn't too fancy, they told us it was quite old-fashioned, but it'll work.

"I'll take the smallest room." Jihyo said.
"Are you sure?" Jeongyeon asked.
"There are two bedrooms and I think you two sharing a small bed would be hectic." She laughed and went into the kitchen.
I looked over to Jeongyeon who stood there awkwardly, I laughed at her reaction.
"What are you laughing?"
"Just your stupidness." I came back.
"Whatever, lets check our room."

Inside our room was not too bad, the light from the outside made it more appealing. In the middle was a King's size bed and at the far left corner was a study desk that was already dusty.
"This ain't bad." Jeongyeon said, she started to bring her stuff in.
I agreed with her and helped with hers as well as mine.

When the day was almost over, Jihyo ordered us takeaway which I was really happy for.
Free food!
"What's our schedule for tomorrow?" Jeongyeon asked as she stuffed her mouth.
"I'm sure both of you know that we have our interviews in the afternoon, so we could roam around town for a bit." Jihyo replied.
"I guess we can do that."
We arrived in the central of town wandering hopelessly around.
"What now?" Jeongyeon sighed.
"We have to buy some formal wear as teachers." I replied.
"Oh, you think you're already going to get in, the interview hasn't even started." She chuckled.

"I know, but I'm confident and so you two should be."
"I have to agree, we did top our exams." Jihyo said.
"Well I couldn't disagree with that, let's go." Jeongyeon dragged me into a store leaving Jihyo to follow behind.
She kept picking out clothes that were 'perfect' for my look; she wasn't even picking out for herself.
"How about this?" Jeongyeon held up another piece of clothing.

"It's nice, but what about you?" I asked.
"I'll do mine later, you're my priority."
I smiled at what she said, "You're actual priority is acing that interview."
I walked to a section where all the smart clothing were displayed.
"I'll ace it anyways, so will both of you." Jeongyeon smirked.
I shook my head in disbelief, "And your cockiness with always get the best of you."
"Well... isn't that how I got you?" I heard a light huff from her direction, I stopped and nervously glanced to her.

"If you put it that way, then I am the best." I winked.
Jeongyeon froze a while and then winked back, "I agree."
She took my hand and dragged me out of the store.
"Where are we going?"
"I'm hungry, let's buy something from the food court." She said hurriedly.
"Now?! What about Jihyo and what about our shopping?" I shouted.
She finally stopped and in a panting manner she spoke, "Jihyo's fine on her own and plus I'll be a PE teacher, I don't need smart clothes."

"Then what about me? I'll be an English teacher." I said.
"Yeah, by the way you look, you look like one." Jeongyeon laughed.
"Hey!" I pouted.
"I didn't mean it that way. Your look is natural and fitting for a High School, plus you're beautiful."
"I don't want my students to hit on me."
Jeongyeon smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Well, you're pretty anyways. I'll be there drag those away who hit on you."
"Because I'm yours?" I said playfully.
"Because I'm yours."

I tilted my head sideways, perfect way to go in for a kiss—

"Hey! Love birds!" I heard a shout from behind me. It was Jihyo, "Why are you here?"
"I was hungry." Jeongyeon replied.
"Are you trying to eat Nayeon?" Jihyo rolled her eyes.
I almost choked.
"N-No, what the heck!" Jeongyeon was taken aback.
"No need to become nervous all of a sudden. Let's go eat." Jihyo gestured us to follow.

I walked ahead whilst Jeongyeon followed closely behind.
I may not post that much since I just started school.

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