19) One More Surprise

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A few months past and I'm really glad that Jihyo and Daniel were happily together. They were more of a big thing in the school than ever before and to celebrate their 5th Year anniversary, they invited us to a mini-golf place.

It'll be fun they said, sure I guess a mini-golf competition between us would be amusing. I am pleased that they are still in touch if their young side.
We ended up in teams, Jeongyeon and I, Jihyo and Daniel. Quite self-explanatory, putt your golf ball with the least amount of strokes.

The first few holes, Jeongyeon was the last one to putt her ball, she kept threatening the tiny ball. It was quite hilarious seeing her talking to an inanimate object. For a while, we were losing and the centre of attention. Then, miraculously, we were tied. The last home would be the determine factor. There were a couple of small hills and the hole was surrounded by sand.
The pro, obviously me, went first and got it in 3 strokes... same thing happened with Jihyo.

Now it was up to our significant others. Daniel went first, he relaxed his shoulders and the club near the ball. He looked back just to see Jeongyeon with a salty attitude.
"Remember, if you lose you'll have but us dinner." He smirked before hitting the ball, like a rollercoaster the ball moved fast up and down stopping the hole.
I did lose hope, she couldn't get a hole-in-one, but she could at least tie overall.

Jeongyeon stepped up and firmly placed her ball on the ground. Her face went very mellow which meant she was immersed in herself, I took a step back and let her do her thing.
She took a deep breath and reeled back, with a mild power shot, the ball went up and down.
I crossed my fingers, hoping it will come come at least close to hole.
"Come on." Jeongyeon whispered.

The ball came to a stop right near the edge of the hole, hanging off the edge. Within a small amount time, it finally fell in. Jeongyeon screamed out loud and mocked Daniel.
"Lucky shot." Daniel scoffed.
"Let her have her victory." Jihyo said.
For the rest of the evening Jeongyeon couldn't stop bragging of her last shot. It was getting to a point where I was fed up of listening.
We finished the day with a dinner that Daniel had to pay since it was a competition.
I was just really glad everyone was getting along.

Then, it came to me.
"Should we meet with the others?" I asked.
"Oh, right. Isn't their graduation in like a month?" Jeongyeon said.
"Let's arrange one tomorrow. It would be nice to see them before their graduation."Jihyo smiled, "Would that be okay?" She turned to Daniel who nervously nodded his head.
"You'll be fine, just be prepared to be harassed." I replied... almost jokingly.
The next day flew by and we were already meeting the others. I felt so proud for them getting this far. Everything just past by, I wondered how life would become.
Enough of that, we arrived at the same meeting spot. Maybe it was the last we would see them together, it was their last month together until they split.

A loud cheer came from the back table, the whole gang was back once again.
"How's it going you graduated kids?" Jeongyeon hollered.
"Ay, we're not graduated yet. Besides, I'm curious on who this is?" Sana pointed behind Jihyo.
"Ah... everyone, this is my boyfriend. Kang Daniel." She hooked her arm around his, he looked very sheepish.
"Hold up! Boyfriend, since when?!" Chaeyoung exclaimed.
"Like a month ago." I replied.
"Wow, you'll have to tell us everything." Dahyun said cheerfully.
I laughed with Jeongyeon.
"Sure, we'll tell you everything." Daniel smiled.

Throughout the night, they were all fixated on Daniel and Jihyo. They weren't surprised when we told them the history of us three, but soon enough they were back pestering with the poor guy. They've grown on him more that they did for Jeongyeon.
"Let's leave them." Jeongyeon whispered and took my hand, I immediately took my coat.
She dragged me out of the restaurant, the dark clouds loomed over.

"They didn't see us, they're too preoccupied questioning Daniel." I chuckled, Jeongyeon smiled stood beside me. We didn't do anything for a while, we just admired what was happening.
"I'll miss this." I spoke, breaking the silence.
She nodded her head, "Yeah, I just hope we'll see each other once in a while."
Just then, I felt a small wet drop my cheek. Suddenly a few raindrops fell down, luckily I had my coat.

Jeongyeon, however, had no covering. I unzipped my coat and hung it over the both of us.
"You should really wear a waterproof coat." I said.
"But I'd rather be like this." Jeongyeon chuckled before raising my chin and kissing me. It wasn't my intention at first, but I went with it.
Jeongyeon pulled back smiled ever so sweetly.
"I am glad I knew you." She cleared her throat as she kneeled down onto one knee.
She took out a small lavender box in her pocket and slowly opened it.

"I finally have a ring for you."
I chuckled, she actually was going to propose to me. I knew she would, just never thought it would be so soon. This wasn't that big or overwhelming, it was indifferent. We both knew this would be inevitable, so a whole large proposals would not be ideal.
The fact that legally I would spend my whole life with the one I love.

That's what I am more happy for.

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