7) A Casual Bump In

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Sunday morning, I woke up in bed feeling very nauseous. There Jeongyeon brought me coffee, I still hadn't remembered what happened last night so I asked her.
Apparently it wasn't too PG, somehow I wasn't that surprising, I was just more shocked that it didn't happen earlier.

In spite of that, Jihyo forced me to get the groceries. I respect her, but I was hoping to stay in bed and sleep in. Don't remind me of my students and work, I try not to think of them.

When arriving at the grocery store, it took me a while to find a trolley, luckily there was one near the car park. Fruit, vegetables, snacks and all the essential stuff (you name it) I got. I was really getting tired near the end that I bumped into a stranger.

"I'm so sorry." I quickly required my focus.
"It's alright." He smiled sweetly and then I realised it was Kang Daniel.
"Oh hi! I just realised it's you."
"Nice to see you again. Is anyone with you?" He asked.
"No, it's just me. I'm about to finish." I replied.
"Great, I am too."
He walked beside me as we both slowly strode along, I could see it by his stance that he had something on his mind, he dragged his feet across the floor as we stopped near the till.

"It's been a hard week." I sighed.
"You get me, controlling younger children is stressful." He said and I nodded excessively.
I let him go in front of me since he had only had small amount to buy. After that, it was my turn.
"Let me help." Dahyun joe placed my items on the escalator.
I finished paying and the staff working the till smiled at me, "He's a keeper."

"W-What?!" I shouted.
"Oh, we're not together. Plus she's already with someone." Daniel stepped in, I couldn't say anything else... I was such a coward.
"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding." I could really see it in their eyes they were quite embarrassed, but not as embarrassed as I was.
I quickly walked away as Daniel caught up with me outside.
"You okay?" He asked.
I nodded slowly.
"So... how did you get here? Did you drive here?" He asked immediately changing the subject.

"Oh right..." I kept walking forward until I saw my car, Daniel followed behind and helped packed the bags into the boot.
"Thanks again for doing this." I smiled.
"Colleagues help colleagues." He shut the boot and picked his things up.
"Do you have a car?" I asked before he was about to walk away.
"No, I took a taxi over here."
He did so much for me and I had to return the favour.
"Let me drive you home."

"You don't have to."
But I insisted even more that he couldn't say no.
"Just our in your address and I'll drop you off."
We both entered the car as he entered his address, I squinted to see the pinpoint on the map and saw his house was quite near ours.
"Wait! You live quite near me." I beamed.
"R-Really?" He too seemed shocked.
"Yeah, that's good." I said.
"Why is that good?"
"I don't know, we could get along more. You know, as friends."

He faintly smiled, "Yeah... friends."
And in that moment, it reminded me that he was an old school friend. I didn't remember him, but he still knew me and Jeongyeon when we were kids.
I wonder how our friendship was like?
But I didn't ask on the way, maybe next time.
"We can stop at your house, I'll help you." He said and I agreed.
On arriving, Jeongyeon and Jihyo were outside waiting for me.

"Morning!" I shouted as I got out of the car.
"Finally you're back— with him?" Jeongyeon looked unbothered and shook her head.
"It's fine, he lives quite near us and he helped me." I said.
"That's nice." Jihyo smiled and came to help with the bags.
I grabbed two bags filled with fruits and vegetables, but Jeongyeon took them and carried them inside without any warning.
I murmured under my breath, "Thanks... I guess."

I saw her visibly angry for somewhat reason I have no clue. So I went and talked to her, luckily Jihyo and Daniel were outside having a conversation.
Jeongyeon was in the dining room already starting to place the items in their designated spots.
"What's wrong now?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"You always say that."
"And it's always true."
"Are you sure about that?" I said.

She stopped for a moment and sighed.
"Look, I just don't like you seeing with him."
"Why? He's nice."
"Yeah... I don't know, I'm trying to keep you safe." She slowly placed her hand on my head, then a second later ruffled it so much my hair went static.
"Hey! Was that necessary?"
"It made me feel better though." She grinned.
"Ugh... whatever." I left and walked outside noticing that Daniel was already gone.

"Where is he?" I asked Jihyo.
"He already went to his own apartment. He wanted to thank you for driving him home."
I nodded and we both went inside.
7:50 am, the time we came back to work. I went straight to my English class, then I suddenly forgot my other bag which was filled with student's books. That's when I couldn't help to see Jeongyeon going into Kang Daniel's office. I didn't take that much attention until Daniel closed the blinds as he thoroughly searched the hallway. Of course it was suspicious, but I believed it was a private conversation like a boss talking to their employees.

When lunch arrived, Jeongyeon, Jihyo and I was at the staff room having our lunches. Jihyo was doing her own thing and working whilst she was eating as we tried not to piss her off.
I thought about asking and maybe I was thinking about it too much, it wasn't that important, right?
Well... I did ask her.

"Where were you this morning?" I asked.
"I was in my PE office." She spoke, but I knew she lied.
"Oh... okay." I didn't know how to react, she lied to my face...
"Why do you ask?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to know."

She's been acting weird for a while now, I'm confused on what's happening between them.

What is she hiding from me?
Why did she lie?

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